The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Tag: Liam (Page 1 of 3)

Four People in July


July saw a few days of sunny summer weather, so we made the best of it.  We enjoyed a warm Canada Day at the Gorge Family Fun day.  We had a family reunion at Beckwith Park, where Liam snoozed under a tree and Caleb learned to play baseball.  Liam has been rocking his little booty, and loves to dance and get his groove on.  There were trips to the park and petting zoo.  Caleb started Sportball Soccer camp and the Summer Reading Club at the Library.  We spent a day in Parksville, at the sandcastle competition and at the beach.  We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary, and spent the night doing a family photo session with Blue Lily.  It was a busy, but fun month!

Four People in June

June was another busy month for us.

* Caleb’s 6th birthday! I know, six…!
* Liam starts running
* Caleb graduates from kindergarten (more photos to come)
* We hosted the best Lego themed gymnastics party
* BBQ season officially begun – as in BBQing with others… because really in our house it’s  BBQ season 365 days of the year!
* Ally did some fun photoshoots for Squishy Prints and the Squishy Prints website was relaunched.
* There were several babies born to friends and neighbours
* We got a decent family photo – finally!!

Happy Summer!

(and yay – all caught up in our four people monthlies!)

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, month 12…Happy Birthday!

Dear Liam,

Happy birthday to my beautiful baby boy! It is hard to believe that a year has passed and you are already one. It’s been such an adventure for all of us.

This past month you have been gearing up for growing up.  Mommy went back to work and that has been a hard adjustment for all of us… mostly me.  You have coped very well.  The first few days were the hardest, but you managed.  In fact on one of my first days leaving you for 5 hours, you were so excited when picked you up that you ran five steps to get to me.  You are getting so close to walking independently.  You still prefer to crawl, but you can cruise the perimeter of a room just holding on to furniture and walls.  You stand up independently all the time and will take a step or two.

This month you have been quite sick.  Maybe you picked up germs for all the extra outings we squished in – to the park and Tumblebums.  You have had constant runny noses and fevers.  We found out the hard way that you are allergic to some medications.  I apologize that today was spent running in and out of the doctor’s office and at the pharmacy.  It was not the fun day that I had planned.  And unfortunately the Benedryl you had tonight to combat the drug allergy has made you a little dopey.  What a way to have a family party!

This first year of your life was definitely a rough go at times.  You have battled gastro-reflux, terrible cradle cap, bad eczema, having to nap around your brother’s schedule, being exposed to every germ at the elementary school, and the dangers of having a big brother that loves you a little too much at times.  We have had some bad sleepless nights, and cranky days together.


But throughout it all, your charming smile and infectious giggle, along with your driving independence and ability to observe and learn, have kept me totally in love with you.  You have made our family so much greater than it was.  I love you so much.

Happy birthday Liam Bean!

Love always,

{12 month stats: 20lbs; can reach the top drawers; can say: mama/mom, dada, baba (brother), uh-oh, uh-huh, uh-uh (no); can sigh: more, milk, and bye; waves bye and points a things; claps hands and imitates with objects; blows kisses; crawls super fast; stands-up; goes up and down stairs; feeds self; drinks milk from a sippy cup; still nursing; 7 teeth; 2 haircuts; loves Elmo and Katy Parry!}

Four People in March


March highlights:

Adam’s 34th birthday
Liam started to stand up in the middle of the floor
Caleb had his first visit from the tooth fairy
Liam “rides” his tricycle for the first time
Caleb rides his bike around the cul-de-sac and learns to use his brakes
Sunny days and trips to the park
Stomach bugs … projectile puke… so gross
Liam got tooth 5 and tooth 6
Caleb moved out of the carseat and into the booster
Spring break… projectile puke…it sucked
Ally’s last month of maternity leave – boo!

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, month 11

Dear Liam,

Welcome to the last month of babyhood. It’s hard to believe in one short month you will be a year old.  You are now are now 20.4 lbs, and have six teeth, and it looks like seven and eight are on their way.

This month you learned to let go while standing.  You will stand for longer and longer periods of time.  You also learned to get up from the middle of the floor.  You know how to squat down and stand back up too.  You are very proud of these new skills and you will look around and wait for the applause.

Speaking of applause, you learned how to clap a few weeks ago.  You can work a room and make everyone clap with you.  You also learned to wave bye, and give a high 5… although you seem to reserve those for a select few.  Sometimes you sign more.  You are very good at shaking your head no, and you are still saying “up” and “mama?mom” – although not as much as the month before.

You have started to somewhat like drinking milk from a sippy cup.  Slowly we are weaning off nursing in anticipation of my return to work in a few weeks.  It makes me sad, but also slightly relieved.  You like to bite down -hard, as well as pinching and pulling.  I have almost weaned you off due to the sure torture you inflict on my boobs!

You have become very independent with eating and prefer finger foods more and more.  Some meals you refuse to be spoon fed.  Tonight you insisted on eating your spaghetti (tomato sauce, squash and all) with your fingers.

You are also growing more independent with play.  After dinner you love to crawl up the stairs and cruise around the playroom and play with all the toys.  You keep yourself very busy.  You are also starting to “play” more outside too.  You have inherited your brothers old tricycle and you can use your legs to push yourself.  Caleb “rescued” you from going down the hill into the trees.

But the biggest thrill was today.  I left you with Great-grandma, to practice for when I go back to work.  Five hours later when daddy and I returned to pick you up, you got excited and you ran five steps independently from daddy to me!  Yay!  We are so thrilled that we were both there to witness those first steps.  I have a feeling that you are going to be walking around everwhere at your first birthday party.

I love you little boy.  You will always be my sweet baby bean.
Love always,

xxxxxx ooooo

Four People in February


It’s a goofy picture… but it’s us!  Caleb has been totally silly when it comes to taking photos, and either tries to hog the camera with goofy faces, or hide from the camera.  Liam just tries to steal the camera and usually goes in for an extreme close-up.

February brought forth Chinese New Year – and the year of the rabbit.  We took a walk around Chinatown, so that I could take photos for my photography class.  February also brought about Valentine’s day which Caleb loves.  He got lots of little notes and treats from school. But the best Valentine’s gift was when Liam started to say Mama.  This is one of his first words, and he planned it perfectly, saying it in earnest on February 13, so that he was able to say it on cue on the 14th.

February also brought snow, snow and more snow.  It was enough to close the school down (snow day!), and enough for sledding and snow forts.  We enjoyed the fluffy white stuff on and off for over a week. Liam was unsure, Caleb loved it, and Adam and I are jsut glad that we are no longer shoveling the driveway!



Monthly Newsletter: Liam, month 10

Dear Liam,

Happy 10 months! It’s hard to believe you are already so close to celebrating your first birthday.  You now weight 20.5 pounds, and your height… well that’s questionable, because you won’t stay still long enough for me to measure you.

You are constantly on the go… following your brother, climbing, opening cupboards, pulling items out of drawers, dumping things off your highchair tray.  You routinely sit on your knees so that you can take off quickly!

Your language has also taken off.  You shake your head no, wave (sometimes), blow kisses (on your own terms), say “uh-oh”, “upa” and “MAMA” and “MOM”!  I love that you can call my name! The day before your first Valentine’s day you started to say “mama”, and you looked at me and just kept repeating it, over and over.  I could see your little brain working as you realized I was mama and you could say my name and we understood you.  Thank you for giving me the BEST Valentine gift ever.

Your little personality is so much fun.  You love to explore and to play games, like peek a boo and chase.  You are constantly laughing and telling stories.  You have also developed a fondness for books.  Of course, you still love grabbing for things you shouldn’t have – like momma’s camera!

You are still a big eater and have tasted so many foods.  You are in love with grapes and blueberries.  You also have a fondness for french fries and cookies (oops!)

Thank you for also napping better.  You know accept the idea that it is okay to nap in your crib! YAY!  Your father and brother also thank you for this.

It has been a very big month for you.  I am so proud of all your accomplishments.  I love that you are so happy, that you nap in your crib (and sleep well at night), and I love, love, love that “mama” is one of your first real words.

I love you always,

xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo

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