The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Squishy (Page 9 of 25)

A Post about Poo

…no not Winnie the Pooh…

Caleb was a very big boy on Sunday and he pooped in the potty!  He loved flushing and the mini M&Ms he got as a treat afterward.

My baby is not a baby anymore – he’s turning into such a big boy!

(And now I can finally say I wrote a blog post about poo… Dooce would be so proud!)

Monthly Newsletter: 18 months!

Dear Caleb,

You are 18 months old today…that’s a year and a half – already!  The time has sure flown by.  It seems like only yesturday you were this tiny baby I was cuddling to sleep in our bed…oh wait that really was yesturday – except you were a restless toddler who refused to go back to sleep in his crib!  Yup – you still have nights where only sleeping with mommy will ensure any of us will get more than a four hour stretch.  It’s been 18 months – you’d think we’d be used to this by now, huh?!

But for the most part you have been a joy and delight to us.  You do sleep through the night a fair amount.  And you eat most of your veggies and help out with chores – putting laundry in your basket and plates in the dishwasher… you are already one up on daddy!

Caleb and Daddy

And you have the most adorable personality…

Totally Caleb

You definately know what you like and don’t like these days.  For instance you hate having your diaper changed, your face and hair washed,  being forced to stay still, waiting and snow… yup you really didn’t like the snow we recently had!

I hate snow!

You also love many things.  You love your boots – that can be seen in almost every picture here!  Right now you have an obsession with watching the Disney movie Cars – Car has been one of your first words.

Not now...watching Cars!

You are also in love with ranch dressing (all that dip dipping) and oranges.  One day you stole the box of mandrines off the kitchen table and we caught you trying to peel and eat one!

Orange theif!

You also love to play with the phone and pretend to make calls to people.  When the phone rings now you are the first to go running for it.

What's the area code for Australia?

You are a very busy little boy – so full of energy, and always wanting to be a part of everything we do or always trying to include us in your play.  I love coming home to you everyday after work and getting my hugs and kisses (even the wet ones).  You truely make my day, and even when it’s been a hard night and stressful day – thinking of you can always put a smile on my face.

Family cuteness

Thanks for making me feel like the luckiest and most loved mommy ever!

Mommy cuddles



Tonight Caleb was so tired he fell asleep in his carseat on the way home…


We had to try to get a sleeping toddler out of the car, and out of his snowsuit, sweater, shirt, pants and diaper and into his pajamas without waking him.  But it was worth it.  We had a wonderful evening…

Caleb had a very busy evening practising his ring bearer walk, and welcoming his new uncle to be at Butchard’s gardens.

Proposal The happy couple

The ring

After the proposal

The engaged

Future Ring Bearer

Congratulations Aunty Amanda and Uncle Brett!!  And thanks for letting us a be part of your special evening!

Snow Day!

What started with a few snowflakes yesturday…

Snow flurries

…turned into a huge snow storm.  Today was a snow day – no school, no work, nothing to do but play!  Caleb wasn’t so sure about the snow though!

What is this stuff? I'm stuck! Snowy day with mommy Snowy day with daddy

Monthly Newsletter: Months 16 & 17

Dear Caleb,

Okay, the mommy gulit is setting in!  I didn’t write you a 16 month newsletter… so instead I am combining and writing you a newslletter for the last two months.  You are now 17 months old, about 22 pounds… and you keep me on my toes.  You are always, always busy and always active – so really it’s not entirely my fault that I have not been able to sit down at the computer and update the blog!

You are always running these days!  Infact sometimes it’s hard to get a good picture of you!

Running and running...

You are definately Mr. Independence now.  You love to do things for yourself – eating, trying to get dressed and undressed, helping yourself from the fridge.  You’ve also recently started making your own phone calls.  You dial, and then walk around with the phone up to your ear – we have no idea where you learned how to imitate that!

Messy Spaghetti

You still love your bath, and playing at the playground.  But you also have a new love – flet pens.  You love to draw, and you love to take the caps off your pens and hide them around the house.  We are very happy we bought those markers that only color on special paper… otherwise we’d be repainting the condo!

Spalsh! Our budding artist

You are also still our very social little guy.  You love being with other kids.  We recently had a big playdate with all your friends from our prenatal class.  You loved running around with them – although sharing was a bit difficult.

Mattaea, Michaela, Olivia, Caleb, Keira, Elise, (Brynn), Emerson and Hannah more pictures of the playdate available at

Right now you are taking a baby dance class every Saturday.  You are still unsure, because all the other kids are older; but you love sitting in the middle of the parachute with them and singing the ABC’s.

Yes, you try to sing the ABC’s – the only understandable letters are B, E and Q.  You also try to count: “uh, oo, eee”.  Your understandable words are still limited.  You say a fabulous “CAR CAR”, “DADDY” “MOMMY” and “BYE”, and also have a whole little language of words that only mommy understands.  You also have a few more signs that you use: more, milk, all done, up, no and bye.  You definately understand lots.  You follow directions about giving kisses, waving, and bringing items to people or rooms.  And you can point to your belly button, nose, and ears.

We recently celebrated Halloween.  First with a trip to the pumkpin patch – you loved running around in the mud picking out the perfect pumpkin.  We carved it into your favorite character: Elmo!

Pumpkin patch with daddy Pumpkin patch with mommy Eating the pumpkin

ELMO! aka

You were the cutest little lion.  Although you hated the lion hat we made you wear.  We went to a party at the Rec Cneter and you had a blast.  After dinner we went out to the Bonfire in Oak Bay, and on the way back to the car you decided you wanted to trick or treat with the older kids.  You marched right up to a door and got your treats!  We went to six houses!  We also had fun at Tracy and Brendan’s Halloween Party.

ROAR! Halloween family

Off to see the wizard

Next month you will be a year and a half…already!  We can’t wait to see what the last half of your second year will bring.  We know it will be one fun Christmas!

We love you little lion!

Love, Mama


Fall Fun

Caleb enjoying a beautiful fall day…

Fall leaves

In the leaves

Running away


A whole new viewpoint

He sure has changed since we did this photoshoot last year:

First swing ride -Oct. 2005

Leaves 2005


(Thank goodness his taste for leaves has disappeared!)


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