Caleb doing his duties as the Ring Bearer in a family wedding. He did a terrific job!
(And yay – we have found our old, and slow, card reader, so slowly we’ll be able to update some pictures again!)
The adventures of Squishy and Bean
Caleb doing his duties as the Ring Bearer in a family wedding. He did a terrific job!
(And yay – we have found our old, and slow, card reader, so slowly we’ll be able to update some pictures again!)
Dear Caleb,
You are now 25 months old, and we have all officially survived the first month of the terrible twos… and yes it is official the screaming, drop to the floor tantrums really are terrible! But oh well…such is life!
At a recent doctor’s check-up we found out that your head isn’t growing, but that your height has sure rocketed up. So you are where you should be for height, and your are a little lower for weight and head circumference. We are monitoring this, but it’s not a huge problem. You realize of course that this small head thing is from your dad – along with all of those other quirky traits!
You babble all the time now. And sometimes you come up with these fabulous words. We know one day there will come a time when you are talking in full sentences non-stop. Your understanding of language is incredible. You follow directions really well – when you want to. And you are becoming such a big help around the house. You love to help with laundry, dishes, gardening, and cooking. I guess we’ll have to start thinking of an allowance for you soon!
I love you, very much – even on the days you won’t stop screaming. And even on the days I have to give you a time out from the play area because you bit another child. Sigh. We’ll call that a trait from daddy too!
PS- When we can get the computer to work properly I’ll post some more pics.
Dear Caleb,
You are now a two year old. It seems like only yesturday we were bringing you home and wondering what to do with the tiny little bundle wrapped up and in my arms. Now we wonder what to do as you go flying sround the room high on sugar and milk and asking to watch Elmo or Thomas – again and again and again! (What’s really amazing is that by doing the ah ha ha laugh of Count von Count from Sesame Street, you have conditioned daddy and myself and your aunts and uncles to pull up Sesame Street clips from Youtube on all our computers… you have us all so well trained!)
You definately know how to make your needs known to all of us. You point, whine, cry and more recently have started to use a few words. I love to hear your little voice telling me a neeeeeeeerrrrrrrrmmmmm (airplane) is flying in the sky, or that you see a baaa (sheep) or a bayyybeee (baby) on tv. You love getting everyone to sing Happy Birthday – and you can sing the HA, day and Kay parts (Kay for Caleb)…and you pretend to blow out candles after the song! But the best word of all has been “mom”. Mom means everything – up, help, I want something, I can’t do something, do it for me…. but sometimes it means me, your mommy. I will always remember the day I picked you up after work and you ran towards me and yelled mom. It made every tantrum you’ve executed in the last 24 months worth it.Â
And of course we still love hearing that fabulous little giggle of your’s. Everywhere we go you can still make heads turn and grumpy people smile just from that laugh. Uncle Ryan is right, it should be a ring tone on my cell phone!
You are so independent, and so smart. The other day you helped me do dishes. You were so proud of yourself for helping. And you knew that after scrubbing the spoon you had to turn on the tap and rinse them. You also help with vaccuuming and laundry. And you try to help dress and undress yourself. You have an obsession with your pajamas right now, and it is amazing how quick you can pull them back on when I’m trying to help you dress in the morning. And of course, you still love your shoes. As I was getting ready for a run yesturday, I saw you sneak off, find your runners and try to get them on so that you could come too.
We are so proud of everything you have learned to do and all that you continue to learn everyday. Each day with you is amazing as we watch your brain work and see you accomplish new things – from mastering the playground slide, to drinking from a bendy straw, to telling me when your diaper is dirty (and then playing with the poop while I’m getting out clean diapers)!
We love you so much, and are having so much fun with you. You will always be our little bayyybeee… but we love watching you grow up to be our little boy Gooey!
Lots of birthday kisses and squishes,
It’s hard to believe this little face is two today!
The past two years have been a wonderous journey full of discovery, laughter and joy for all three of us. We are so proud of everything you have learned in the last two years Caleb. You have become this strong, determined, independent little boy, with an infectious little giggled that charms everyone. We love you so very much, and look forward to everything that life brings us in this year of your life. We hope you enjoyed your birthday weekend. We loved watching the joy in your face as you blew out your candles this year!
Lots of love, kisses and hugs to our Squishy,
Mommy & Daddy
PS – Monthly newsletter, and party pictures to follow…
Dear Caleb,
This is your last newsletter as a one year old… where has the time gone? It seems like only yesturday Daddy and I were bringing you home from the hospital – this tiny little bundle who depended on us for everything. Now you are becoming Mr. Independent. You know what you want, and try to get your way – all the time. If not, watch out for Hurricane Caleb.
Some of those “terrible two” tantrums are brought on by fustration as you still can’t always communicate your needs. But you are trying really hard. In the last few weeks we have been bringing you to see Dr. Craig – the chiropractor (and the other Caleb’s daddy). This along with your Speech therapy from Karen and OT exercises from Carolyn (Trevor’s mommy) – have produced some excellent changes in your speech sound production. You can now tell us that a sheep says BAA, a lion goes RRRRR, trains are “woo-woo” and attempt to say things like “more”, “puh-oh” (Playdoh), and “eyaahhh” (yeah). You are also getting really good at intraverbals…. that’s speech therapy talk for filling in the blanks. When we read a book together, I can pause and you try to fill in the missing word with a sound. Karen was so impressed when you read her your Moo Baa La La La book today. You are also trying to label. It’s so neat to see you point at something and tell us “dat dat” (look at that). I’m so proud of you.
As your speech increases, so has your need to “do it yourself”. I’m sure you’ll soon have your own HGTV show with toddler DIY ideas! You are still our happy gardener. In fact I have a deal going with the neighbours that you’ll be cutting their lawns for $10 a house…we’ll have that university tution saved in no time!
You have also been trying to play with daddy’s tools, and you try to “fix” things when they aren’t working.
Today you figured out how to climb up the climbing wall at the playground to get up to the slide. And you figured out how to get in and out of the bathtub tonight. It’s kind of a seal sliding approach, but you did it. (Sorry – no pictures of this…too busy trying to stop you from drowning!)
You are definately a busy boy now. You don’t like to stop to have your picture taken anymore. In fact you cried at our family photoshoot, because we made you pause during your duck chasing. So, this newsletter is void of many photos. Oh well! I still love you, and all your antics (well, all your antics minus the tantrums and the milk sprinkler imitation you do!)
Enjoy your last few weeks as a one year old!
PS – Make sure you behave for daddy while Mommy is away in Vancouver… this will be my first overnight trip away from you boys…wahhh!
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