The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Squishy (Page 5 of 25)

“Happy birday paree Cayeb house…”

All week long all we’ve heard from the backseat is “happy birday paree Cayeb house?”  That was Caleb’s way of asking – is my birthday party today?  Everyday I think he was disappointed to arrive home to no party.  Today however, he was in luck – it was party day. To help celebrate Caleb’s departure from the terrible two’s were 20 of his little friends and their parents.  It was a very fun “happy birday paree” at “Cayeb house”!

Here’s a sample of the craziness (although to be fair, the kids were fantastic – it was calm and relatively quiet considering there were about 50 people in our backyard all high on sugar!):

Blowing out the candles

Cakey smiles



Lots of thanks to all our guests for their extremely generous gifts.  Caleb got spoiled!  And big thanks to Grandma Doc, Aunty Amanda and Uncle Brett for helping out today!  More photo of the party will be coming soon… along with photos of allthe other “birday” celebrations!

Good thoughts needed… (update added below)

Caleb is going into the hospital for his adnoidectomy this morning.  If you have any good thoughts to spare please send them our way.  I know he’ll do okay (better than me, actually)… but all your love and good thoughts are appreciated.

We’ll keep everyone posted on his progress and when he is ready for visitors.

Update: We are home and Caleb is finally feeling like his old self.  He is a very strong little boy (we’re talking three nurses and his mom holding him down to stop him from ripping out his IV!), and the drugs didn’t sit well with him.  It was the hardest thing I have ever done as a parent, listening to him cry and screaming.  He kept screaming for mommy and wasn’t able to comprehend that I was holding him when he woke up.  He had to be re-sedated, and then had a better wake up the second time around.  But he was much better by this afternoon.  So he is definately ready for visitors!

Thanks for all the well-wishes and the love!

One more month…

… until he is three, and we kiss the toddler years farewell for the preschool years!

Last week we had a Mommy and Caleb afternoon consisting of “baby dohs” (baby goats at the petting zoo), “pak” (Beacon Hill park playground), and “i-eem” (Ice cream).  So Caleb missed his nap.  By the time we got home he was yawning.  I asked if he was a little tired.  “No”, he says “BIGGGGG tired”.

How’s that for cuteness!

Growing up!

Caleb has been growing up!  It’s hard to believe he will be three in only two months!  He’s now just over 36 inches tall, and weighs about 28 pounds.  And he is becoming an independent and responsible member of our household!

He now sleeps in a big boy bed… which means he has twice as many stuffed animals in bed with him!

Caleb in his new big boy bed

He’s also very fond of helping with meal preparations, specifically baking!

The real cookie monster!

He does make sure to brush his teeth every night (while wearing his favorite robe!)  He is currently learning how to spit out the toothpaste.

Brushing the teethies!

He loves to imitate his dad – and helps out with all sorts of outside chores too.  He’s even learned the importance of scrubbing the wheels when you wash the car!

Washing the wheels!

But best of all, he has learned to call our attention.  All the time I hear “Ook Momby!” as he shows me something.  It’s amazing to have him call my name when I come home from a run.  Or to have him run up and kiss me, and say “Ov you Momby”.  He amazes me with all the new words he tries to say everyday.  And I love that he still indulges me and lets me take a few quick photos of him all dressed up!  He definately knows the way to my heart!

The Easter Caleb and his Momby!

We love you – little big boy!


Time for an Update!

It’s been a while since we updated the site, life is busy… and we have been busy living it, instead of blogging it – our apologies to our faithful readers!

Remember the eeyore pictures - here they are at 2 1/2 years (30 months)...Eeyore is tiny now! 

Lots has happened in the last month and a half.  The holidays have come and gone – with lots of spoiling.  Really now, what kid gets two bikes for Christmas…and neither are from his parents or Santa Claus!  After some time working on accepting a helmet on his head, Caleb is loving cruising the cul-de-sac on his new sets of wheels!

Caleb crusing on his two-wheeler  

Santa definately spoiled Caleb this year.  And this year Caleb really understood about “ho ho ho”, presents and Christmas lights.  He even sat on Santa’s lap twice, all by himself!  (Hint to Adam to insert Santa picture here!)  And he watched Santa come via helicopter to preschool.  The best gift was watchng his delight in everything.  The perfect gift though, was the fact that Caleb gave Mommy her Christmas wish… he said “love you Mommby”.  This “mommby” is very proud!

Christmas Eve  Us in front of the Patel's tree

Caleb’s speech is improving daily.  He now tries to repeat everything we say (so all his uncles had better cut out the swearing!)  Some days it’s fustrating for all of us, because we don’t understand him and he can’t say it the way he wants.  But amidst all the tears, his little voice is the most precious sound.  He’s even made up his own song… something to the tune of “bagel, bagel…la la la” or “preschool, preschool…la la la” or “mommby, mommby…la la la” – and it goes on and on!

Preschool has been a big hit!  This month Caleb started one morning a week at preschool – conviently located at Mommby’s work.  He loves being with the kids, and going to school.  I spy on him sometimes, and love watching him tearing around the playground with the others.  Everytime he goes, his speech seems to increase.  We are so lucky to have found this spot for him!

At preschool

Although life has been busy, we have been enjoying it.  We love our time as a family.  Thankfully I am now finished school – yay!  And I’ve made time for ME a priority, which in turn seems to help me be a better Mom.

Caleb and Mommy at East Sooke Park

Caleb and Daddy at East Sooke Park  A cold family at East Sooke Park

Happy New Year everyone!  Enjoy your 2008!

More photos from the holidays can be seen in our Christmas 2007 album here!

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