The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Squishy (Page 18 of 25)

A Camping We Will Go…

Caleb went on his very first camping trip this weekend. (Note: It was also mom and dad’s first camping trip together in 8 years!! – Thanks to the Patels and Herds for all their help!) We went up to Lake Cowichan with Kaari, Anika, Deenu, Marilyn and Brad and had a blast!

Our campsite:

The babies behaved beautifully and slept well… the bigger boys had fun on the boat and in the lake… and the women rested and relaxed at the beach and around the campfire. Caleb is in love with the movement of the trees and had lots of smiles for everyone!

Here’s the happy camper:

With his buddy Kaari:

Kaari has some fun in the lake with Deenu:

Our family at the lake:

Thanks for the fun times Anika, Deenu, Karri, Marilyn and Brad!

We are in trouble…

At 7 weeks old, Caleb is now 12 lbs… and look what he has learned to do:

(Click on picture for bigger image)

Yikes! He might very well be crawling at Christmastime!

He’s a growing boy…

When we brought him home from the hospital, Caleb weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19.5 inches long…

As of Tuesday July 12…he is 11 pounds, 4 ounces and 22 inches long!

Deb and Luba, our midwives, say he is a very healthy boy, and they are happy he is thriving and that we are doing so well as a family. We are going to miss them!

Monthly Letter: One Month

Dear Caleb,

Today you are one month old. It seems like only yesturday daddy and I were bringing you home from the hospital; and yet, I can’t even remember what life was like without your little coos and sighs, and those loving looks you give us with your big brown eyes. Everyday I wake up, slightly grumpy at my lack of sleep, but oh so happy to see you, and cuddle you and cover your cheeks with kisses.

You no longer look like a newborn… you seem to have grown up quickly before our eyes. And actually you have grown quite a bit! At our midwife appointment on Wednesday, Luba weighed you and announced that you were now 10 pounds, 4 ounces! That is a huge gain from the 6 pounds and 14 ounces we left the hospital with. And after much squirming around, we managed to measure your length – 20.5 inches – that’s a whole inch you’ve grown in a month.

You definately have a little personality now. You have gotten much better with diaper and clothing changes, and only cry if you were woken up, or if we take too long to change you. And you enjoy your bath time, as long as the hair washing is finished. You still like it when mommy sings to you, but also have an interest in books. Your favorite story book is “Moo Baa Laa Laa Laa”. And of course you still like U2, and your daddy’s finger.

You are also getting more interested in different objects. Your vision is getting clearer, and you are able to focus and track people, and your favorite toys: your cow, your blocks and your Eeyore.

You are also lifting your head more, and enjoy long periods of tummy time. You also enjoy being in your swing and chair, and are much more content to be on your own, without having to be held as much. Of course your favorite place to sleep is still mommy and daddy’s arms… but we are enjoying our cuddle time with you as much as we can.

You have also started smiling!

Happy one month Caleb. We love you so very much. Please don’t grow up too quickly!


Dear Caleb…

Dear Caleb,

You are now just over two weeks old. During these last few weeks you have changed our lives dramatically. We are so overwhelmed with love for you, and care so much about you. Everyday we smother you with kisses and cuddles, and you definately love to snuggle back.

You know mommy and daddy’s voices, and will turn your head towards us when we are talking or call your name.

And you already have a definate personality. You are very strong willed and hate to have your diaper changed. You make lots of little faces while you sleep – some of them are smiles and some of them are grumpy looks.

You also like to sleep with your arms up – just like your daddy!

You favorite position is on your tummy. You love to fall asleep like that on mommy or daddy’s chest, and love to have tummy time when you are awake.

You also love to watch our faces when you are awake, and in a state of quiet alertness. You still love to suck on daddy’s finger. What will we do when he goes back to work next week? You also love having mommy sing to you. Your current favorite songs are: Winnie the Pooh, You are my Sunshine and Everybody Loves You. You are also still a big U2 fan. When you are upset, I can put on the CD and dance with you and you calm down right away and snuggle up on my shoulder.

You have also grown lots. You are longer, and at our last appointment with Luba you weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces – you gained over a pound in a week! You definately love to eat, and I love all our special times together feeding… even if I’m grumpy after many late night feeds – I still love our special time.

I’m so happy to be a mommy and love you so much. You make me proud to be your mommy!

I love you little Squishy!

Love, Mommy

PS- Anika and Rebekah won the baby pool as to when you would be arriving. And I’m so happy you came when you did!

Squishy / Caleb’s birth story

Thank you to everyone for all their good thoughts and kind words. Caleb is asleep in his bassinette (still!!) so I have a few minutes to tell my side of the story!

Caleb’s birth story – as told by his mommy:

Basically it started with some regular contractions on Wednesday night. We went out for Mexican food, and then wandered around Walmart and Superstore – much more fun than walking around home. By 3am Thursday morning contractions were strong and 3 minutes apart, so I got in the shower and Adam called my mom and the midwife to meet me at the house. I got out of the shower and was around 3 cm dialated. So the midwife left and said to call back when things got really active and I was ready to go to the hospital. Of course then things slowed down – a lot! The next morning – Friday, the midwife came back to check on me. I was still only 3-4 cm and baby’s head was so low in my pelvis, it was difficult to walk. However – he had also turned posterier again (sunny side up), and so I had to get on my hands and knees, walk stairs, etc to try to turn him around again. She finally decided things were taking too long, and I should check into the hospital and have my water broken to get things going. So we checked into VGH at 9am, and proceeded to try to break my water at 9:30. Well, that worked, but was painful. Because his head was so low in my pelvis, the midwife had to reach up behind his head, grab at the cervix and break it with the hook. It took 20 minutes of her reaching to finally get around his head… I’m still going au natural here, so it was horribly painful. Active labour began immediately, but so did the urge to push. I got to 6 cm dialated, but he just kept moving. Everytime we thought he was the right way, he’d turn. And we also realized his head was tilted, so that he wasn’t hitting the right spots to keep contractions consistant. So eventually they decided to give me an epidural. (bye bye birth plan)! The epi was great for making me feel good, but unfortunately, the baby’s heart rate dropped and wouldn’t go back up. Suddenly there are an extra 10 people in the room including an OB who checks me out and thinks that the placenta has also started to tear away. So suddenly I hear that there is no time, baby has to come out now. I’m unhooked and rehooked to a million things and wheeled away to the OR. My poor husband is being shoved into a gown and my mom is asked to wait in the waiting room – and everyone is explaining or talking at once. Less than 20 minutes after the OB said let’s go, I hear the first cries of my son. And I didn’t feel a thing – thanks to the spinal they gave me. It happened so fast, it’s still hard to process sometimes. But by 3:37pm that little 7 pound 7 ounce baby boy entered the outside world. The hard part now was waiting to see him. Adam peeked over the curtain and announced he was a boy. He cut the cord, and was the one to carry him over and introduce our son to me.

And he is totally worth all that effort!

The doctors and nurses at VGH were incredible. I’m very thankful they were able to help deliver Caleb so quickly.

Special thanks to Deb and Luba my midwives for all of their help and devotion during the labour and delivery. Deb was there in the beginning and throughout most to the end. And Luba stepped in for a few hours, and helped break the water – a horrible experience for all of us. But I couldn’t have done it wothout them.

Very special thanks to my mom. Without her I couldn’t have done what I did and wouldn’t have been able to endure for so long. She was beside me holding my hand for all the rough stuff, and help not just me, but Adam too. I’m so glad she was able to share in this experience with us, and to help me become a mom. I only hope I will be as good a mom to Caleb as she has been to me. I love you mom.

And of course a very special thanks to Adam. He was amazing. Never once did forget to tell me how much he loved me and how proud he was of me. I never would have gotten through the past week without his love and devotion. He held my hand, rubbed my back and held on to my heart the whole time. I loved him very much as my husband, and love him even more now – as my husband and as Caleb’s daddy. Caleb is very lucky to have him as a daddy. I love you Adam!

And I love you too Caleb! You mean the world to me!

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