The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Squishy (Page 16 of 25)


Caleb is doing great at sleeping in his crib. On the weekends when he wakes up early we bring him into our bed for his morning feed and some snuggles. This morning he fell back asleep. I got out of bed to use the bathroom, and Caleb spread his arms out and took over my side of the bed too.

I just looked in on the two of them. He and Adam are still both asleep and they are both snoring LOUDLY!

What were you doing at 3 am?

Caleb was learning about cause and effect.

I was crawling across his bedroom floor trying not to be seen.

Let’s start the story at the beginnig. We have been teaching Caleb to fall asleep in his crib, and that he doesn’t need mommy to hold him in order to go to sleep, or fall back asleep if he wakes up. (Ever since his first cold he was waking every 1.5 – 2 hours and needed mommy to rock him back alssp. I was no thrilled with gettin up 5 times a night!) We have an established bedtime routine that ends with some cuddle time with mommy, then he is put in his crib when he is sleepy to fall asleep there. We’ve had some good nights, and some not so good. And we’ve had some tears – by Caleb and mommy.

Last night was a great night. He fussed a little but was asleep within 10 minutes. At 3am I woke up because I heard a noise over the baby monitor. I also realized he’d been sleeping for almost 6 hours and we hadn’t heard a peep. So I went to check on him and realized he was awake and playing around. So I ducked down so he wouldn’t see me, to listen to see if he’d put himself back to sleep. So here I am crawling around his floor waiting…

Caleb meantime is doing his usual fall asleep techniques – rubbing his face, moving his head side to side, and flinging his arms and legs out. Happily there are no tears at all! He’s getting really quiet and I think he’s almost asleep, so I sneak out. A few minutes later over the baby monitor I hear some strange clicking, and Caleb moving. I wait… and then I hear him whine a little. So I go in his room.

With all his flailing of arms, he figured out how to turn on his Ocean Wonders Aquarium… he was looking half mesmerized, but also half annoyed at the lights on it. When I came in he was banging his little fist at it, trying to hit the button again to turn it off. He knew where to hit, he just couldn’t quite get it! What a smart little guy!

I got some big smiles when I turned it off for him, and then decided he was entitled to some mommy cuddles. Afterall, he’s done good and after crawling around on his floor I needed my Caleb cuddles too!

Calzone Versus Eeyore…

This post is dedicated to Auntie Amanda and Brett who brought Eeyore all the way from Disneyland just for Caleb, and for Uncle Ryan who loves his wrestling and gave Caleb the nickname Calzone.

We took the traditional monthly Caleb and Eeyore photos, and this is what happened at the photo shoot this month. Caleb and Eeyore decided to ham it up a bit. Little did Eeyore know he was going to get the stuffing beaten out of him. Poor Eeyore took it like a donkey and was his usual passive self. It took a few days but he is fully recovered now, and has been gracious enough to agree to pose with Caleb in future pictures on the condition that his tail doesn’t get lost!

May we present the WWEC – The World Wrestling Eeyore Calzone Series:

“Mommy, this photo shoot is boring! Let’s ham it up a little Eeyore!”

“I’m gonna tackle Eeyore!”

“I’m gonna eat you up!”

“You’re going down donkey!”

“You’re mine Donkey!”

“Mawahahaha! I got him mama!”

Monthly Letter: Month 4

Dear Caleb,

You are now 4 months old! Holy smokes, when did that happen? You are now 25 inches long and weigh 14 pounds, 12 ounces. We love you more and more everyday. And everyday up to now you have surprised us with your emerging skills. And although we miss our tiny little newborn baby, we love your wonderfully cute personality.

This has been a very busy month for you. You outgrew your bassinet, and we moved you to your big bed. Not only did you move to your crib, but you also moved into your own room (becuase the crib doesn’t fit in our bedroom). I was so sad to see you go, I’ve even spent a few nights sleeping on your bedroom floor! You seem to love your crib. Especially having tummy time in there. Now we just have to work on having you fall asleep in there, and stay asleep in there, so that I don’t have to get up and cuddle you every few hours during the night. (Secretly I love our special cuddle times at night – but four times is a bit much!)

You have also made some big gains in motor development. You still love your tummy time. In fact in our various baby groups you are quite famous for how well you hold your head up. You can push up on your hands now, and lift your chest off the ground. I’m sure if you could figure out how to pick your tummy up you would have crawled away by now. You also like to play airplane – where you lift your head, but flail your arms and legs up and down. (Your grandpa calls it swimming!)

You are still rolling over from tummy to back. Sometimes you go days without doing it, and then another day you keep flipping yourself, like you are determined to get off your floor blanket. You also manage to wiggle your self around. Sometimes we find you sideways in your crib. You are very determined to move and to sit up. In fact, we introduced you to your exersaucer and highchair, and you love them both. In your exersaucer you can turn yourself around, and are constantly “walking” in circles. And you love being part of the big table in your highchair, and being part of “cooking with mommy” time.

Last week, you watched us eating dinner so keenly, we gave you a few spoonfuls of water. You were unsure at first, then seemed to really like it. You also like to play with that spoon. I have a feeling you’ll do great with solid foods in a few months.

You are now also capable of holding on to objects. These days everything you hold onto also goes in your mouth. In fact, even items you can’t pick up manage to make it’s way into your drool path. We are starting to call you Mr. Droolyface. You have also figured out how to suck on your thumb again.

Along with discovering your hands and feet (you love toes and keep trying to get your shoes off), you’ve also discoverd your voice. You babble and goo all the time. You also have the most adorable laugh. Everyone who hears it is instantly charmed! You love to have us sing you silly songs, and play peek a boo and tickle games with you to make you giggle.

You also love being massaged. We have joined a baby massage class. Your favorite time in the morning is getting your daily massage, and having your naked time on your tummy. Sometimes you get so relaxed you pee on mommy!

Your other favorite times of day are any moments involving face to face contact. It can be talking and singing with us, playing in our laps of having cuddles. You definately know your mommy and daddy, and love us back.

Happy four months Caleb, Squishy, Gooey, Mr. Droolyface, Mr. Wiggleworth…

… for every nickname we give you, we give you a million times more love.



The Breastfeeding Challenge

Yesturday Caleb and I participated in the 2005 Breastfeeding Challenge. He was one of 99 babies to be breastfed at the Challenge, making Victoria the third largest site in North America for the most breastfeeeding babies at the same time. He loved being with all his baby friends – Jamie, Emerson, Keira, and Emma to name a few, and he ate like a champ!

You can find out more about the Breastfeeding Challenge, and breastfeeding awareness here:

Poor Little Guy

Caleb has been fighting a cold for the last few days. We thought it was better on Monday, but it’s come back again. The poor little guy is having a very hard time breathing and sleeping. Hopefully he’ll be feeling better soon. We all need some sleep!

Little Baby…Big Crib!

For the last four nights, Caleb has slept in his crib!

We are excited, but also a little sad. He has slept within reaching distance of me since he was born, not to mention the 9 months in the womb… and now he seems so far away sleeping in his crib in his own room.

But it was a move we had to make- Caleb was getting cramped in the bassinet, and his legs would end up banging on the edge and over the top. Unfortunately this means he can’t snuggle up the way he used to into the side of the bassinet… so now he sleeps spread eagle in his crib. Not being all snuggled up also means Caleb has had to learn how to get himself back to sleep when he startles and his limbs flail out. It’s been a learning experience for all of us!

But he is doing wonderful. It’s been harder for mommy than for baby.

I sure do miss you beside me little Squishy! But I love you lots for what you have accomplished!

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