…from Santa Caleb!
And also Happy Hannukah, and Happy Kwanzaa!
The adventures of Squishy and Bean
…from Santa Caleb!
And also Happy Hannukah, and Happy Kwanzaa!
Solid foods is going great! Along with his rice cereal, Caleb loves butternut squash, sweet potatos, carrots, broccoli, banana and cantaloup…
He does not like avacado!
Dear Caleb,
You are now 6 months old… that’s a whole half a year!! Wow! Time has flown by so quickly, that I can barely remember all the days that have encompassed the last 6 months. It makes me so sad to realize you are growing up so quickly and no longer my little tiny baby. But at the same time, I’m so in love with your wonderfully bubbly and mischevious personality.
Lots of things have happened this last month that has made me realize just how much you are getting older. You have started to eat solids, and you love it. So far we have given you organic brown rice cereal, a rice cereal cookie and some carrots. You adore your rice cereal. Sometimes I can’t get it in your mouth fast enough and you try to take the spoon and bowl yourself.
You are also on the move! During a recent trip up to Nanimo and Ladysmith, you crawled backwards across your friend Emily’s floor… and you haven’t stopped moving since. I am constantly chasing you around as you roll and wiggle your way backwards and sideways. You are trying very hard to go forward, and can get up on your hands and knees, and push off with your toes… I know anyday day now you are going to just take off!
Of course with all this moving around, you also get into everything! You love going after the remote control. You also insist on joining in the conversation if I’m on the phone, and just like your daddy you love to pound away at the computer keyboard! More than once you have locked the keyboard on me, and done things to the computer that I have no idea how to do! You also love to play with boxes! And you’ll drag your toys with you to exchange them for anything that belongs to mommy and daddy!
You also roll over towards your friends, and have now kissed and been kissed by many of your baby girlfriends. You also went up Keira’s skirt. We’ll have to keep an eye on you!
And you have learned to sit quite well. You still topple over sometimes, but can sit and play with a toy for a longer period of time now… unless mommy disappears out of the room. Then nothing keeps your interest. We have to discuss this separation anxiety thing!! Daddy is fun too!
And thank you for letting mommy and daddy go on a date! You had such a good time with Auntie Amanda, and you were so good for her. We’ll definately have to do that again! And mommy is going to start having some time to go out on her own- and trust me you’ll have fun while I’m gone too!
You’ve also found your loud voice… your very loud voice. Sometimes you scream out of excitment and pleasure (like in our baby games class) and sometimes you start yelling at us when you are crying. We’ve been working on baby signing to help you communicate with us. But I think we’ll have to start praising you for using your inside voice too!
Now that it’s the holiday season, you have experienced more firsts too. You recently went for your first visit with Santa – who thought you were a very good baby. You were mesmerized by your first Santa parade, have gone Christmas shopping (and got your first Elmo from great grandpa) and recently we went for a walk in the snow! (Rare for Victoria). Like the parade, you couldn’t quite figure out what the fluffy white stuff was!
You definately have your favorite activites too. You love to play peek-a-boo and any silly songs and games are a riot to you! We definately have a lot of fun now! And the laughter and smiles you give me everyday, makes the lack of sleep all worthwhile!
We can’t wait to enjoy our first Christmas together as a family. You are about to be spoilt to death by everyone!
We love that you have been a part of lives for the last half a year. You have made mommy and daddy so very happy! We love all 16 pound and 26 inches of you!
Happy 6 months Caleb!
Caleb is nearing six months old, and we decided it was time to introduce solid foods. Caleb was more than ready to give it a try…
As you can see he loves his organic brown rice cereal!
Sidenote: We realize it’s been a whhile since we did an update on here… the big update is that Caleb is on the move. He rolls over very quicky, can rotate around on his tummy and is creeping backwards! He is also getting up on his hands and knees – so crawling is just around the corner! Because of this he has kept us very busy. But Squishy’s dad will be posting videos of the wanderer soon!
Dear Caleb,
You are now five months old. In the last five months your little personality has emerged and now you are this wonderfully loving little baby full of cute smiles, giggles and mischievious twinkling eyes. You have mastered the ability to flirt and draw everyone towards you. Everyday we have strangers coming up to us to ask how old you are, and tell us how adorably cute you are.
You have also become quite the ladies man among all our baby friends… you have several girlfriends whom you have held hands with, hugged, eaten their hands, or licked their faces. You love to be with your friends – watching them, laughing with them, sitting with them, doing tummy time with them, swimming with them, and someties accidentally rolling over on top of them.
Speaking of rolling over, you can now roll from your back to your tummy. You are very good at this and very quick at it. We can put you down on the floor and you will roll over and then roll over again. Your main objective seems to be getting off your blanket – and taking your favorite toys with you! It is also great entertainment for everyone at Sunday dinner. You thought it was great fun to hear everyone clap for you everytime you rolled!
Rolling was a trick you learned during your first ever trip to Vancouver. You spent almost the whole ferry ride there asleep on daddy’s lap.
We stayed with John, and you and Ella became fast friends. In fact, I’m sure I saw you trying to sneak the cat into your diaper bag.
While we were there, you slept in bed with mommy and daddy, and you figured out that if you rolled towards mommy you could help yourself to a snack, and neither you nor I would really have to wake up. From those two nights in bed with us, a whole new world of rolling and moving has opened up to you. At night, you will roll over to sleep on your tummy. Often times I find you in the morning proped up on your arms peeking out of the crib looking for us.
While in Vancouver, you rode ont he Skytrain for the first time, and you loved it! We rode to Metrotown and you picked a monkey at the Build-a-Bear Workshop. We named him Gooey.
You also rode on your first swing at the playground, and loved that too! I think you are going to be like your daddy, and love rollercoasters and thrill rides like him! And, just like daddy you are also a fish in the water. You love going swimming, although you are still unsure when mommy dunks you under. But your absolute favorite is having a bath inthe big bathtub. You love kicking and splashing around!
You also started teething this month. this means that some days you can be a very grumpy bear. It also means you try to chew on everything… fingers, leaves, other people…. anything you can get your little hands on!
You constantly have drool coming out of your mouth because of this, and because of your new found raspberry blowing skill! You also love taking sips of water off of spoons and water bottles. You watch us very intently when we eat, and have started to chew on your lip. We know you are anxious for solid foods – just a few more weeks, and you can have some cereal! That will be a whole new adventure!
The other skill you have been working on is learning to sit up independently. You can do it with a slight lean forward for a short period of time. We’ll have to be careful of the pants you wear now though, because occassionally while you sit you look like your Uncle Dave in the back!
We also recently enjoyed our first family Halloween. We dressed you up as Winnie the Pooh (of course), and also Charlie Brown. You looked adorable. We took you on your first hayride, so that you could pick a pumpkin, and we carved up to look like an owl. You thought the pumpkin was pretty tasty too!
We also got a new car this month, a Honda Accord. When we got it we moved you into your bigger carseat, because the infant carrier seat was getting too small. At 26.25 inches and 15 pounds 4 ounces, you are too big to fit in it.
You sure have changed lots in the last five months Squishy! We are having so much fun with you (except for those multiple ight wakings – but we’re working on that together)! We can’t wait to see what the following months bring!
xo xo xo xo xo
On our weekend trip to Vancouver, we ended up having to co-sleep with Caleb in the middle of the bed between us. During the two nights we were away he learned that if he rolled over on his side and wiggled a bit he could snuggle into me and find himself a snack… suddenly a whole new world was opened up to him- the 24 mommy milk buffet!! I just left my pajama shirt up and he took care of things himself and I was able to stay half asleep!
So now when I put him to bed in his crib he rolls over onto his side, and sometimes onto his tummy. Previously he could only roll tummy to back. But now, after two nights of co-sleeping he can roll back to tummy… and he loves sleeping on his side and on his tummy… and sleeps better and longer this way- in his crib!! I got five straight hours of sleep last night! And he’s still asleep!! I think he just hated sleeping on his back, which is why he used to wake up so damn much! Now he can roll himself and get comfy in the position he likes.
And “they” said co-sleeping would make kids dependant on having to sleep in their parents bed! Hah!
(Oh and just to prove we live on the “dangerous” side – he also has the bumpers in his crib)!
Don’t worry I have done lots of research and am very careful with the co-sleeping, bumper pads and tummy sleeping!
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