The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Squishy (Page 13 of 25)

Monthly Newsletter: Month Ten!

Dear Caleb,

I once read in a book that it takes babies up to 40 weeks to learn how to sleep well and sleep throughout the night. Well, Mr. Textbook baby – you have hit the ten month mark – approximately 40+ weeks and you now sleep much better. Hooray! You are now ten months, 19 pounds and around 29 inches long. You sure have grown! And you are into EVERYTHING!
eeyore kisses 10 month picture

You are now moving aorund the house at lightening speed, either following us, crawling away from us, or chasing something you have thrown or rolled down the hallway.
Crawling away

You also love to stand up. You seem to have sprouted up and grown these super long arms that can reach everything. Nothing is safe!
Reaching for trouble

And now you are trying to stand up while letting go of things. Why do I feel like waking is just around the corner? You also love to dance- and you shake your little booty to your Learning Table songs.

Your new favorite games include:
“what can I swipe off the coffee table / top shelf / sofa?”
“how many loud objects can I bang on the laminate flooring?”
“what happens when I push all of these buttons onthe t.v.?”
“how many long distance phone calls can I make by randomly pushing buttons on the phone?”
“how many wipies can I swipe out of the box before mommy comes back form the bathroom?”
Swiping wipies

You are also very good at shaking and nodding your head, and love to make an ah wa wa sound when we move our hands over your mouth.

And you have finally learned the most important word ever: “Mama”! You scream it at the top of your lungs “MMMMMMaaaamaaaaaaa”. You yell it when you are mad: “Mmmmmoooommmmmmm” and when you want your milk, you turn your little head into my cheast and pant “Mmm ma mmmm ma ma mmm”. I love it!

And you finally have learned to like love avacado! You would eat a whole avacado if I would let you.
Yummy avacado in my hair!

You would also eat a whole banana in one sitting if I’d let you. Some other favorite foods include: kiwi – which I do let you eat all of, pasta, cheese, yogurt and bread products. Just like your daddy you get excited when we got to Tim Horton’s. But, instead of a double double, you are thrilled with your plain bagel in the paper Timmy’s bag.
kiwi on my nose Love my Timmy's bagel!
Oops...was this for the ducks?

You have also been reintroduced to oats and thankfully we’ve had no reactions this time. So now you readily enjoy Nutrios (a healthier cheerio), and I usually find little collections of these all over the house.

You still love the water. We go swimming once a week with your friends, and you love being in the bath. You also love to brush your teeth. You have three and a half now!
Mommy's new favorite picture

You also got your first haircut this month. Everyone thinks your baby buzz cut is adorable! Daddy did a great job.
Baby buzz cut

Daddy and I still love you to pieces and love watching all the new skills you are learning everyday! We love you Snuggle Puppy!

The thinker

Riding on daddy's shoulders Playing on a 28 year old horse that belonged to mommy when she was a baby!




After going to bed – and falling asleep in his crib last night – Caleb never woke up… 12 hours later he is still sleeping (and still breathing – I’ve checked many times)!!! CALEB SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT WITH NO WAKINGS!!!! Woohoo!!!!

Now that deserves some congratulations!

Monthly Newsletter: Month Nine

Dear Caleb,

You are now nine months old and a ball full of energy. This last month you have taken your independance to a new level. You are into everything! And if you can’t reach it, you sure attempt to. You are definately your own little person now.
9 month eeyore shot 9 month pic

You crawl lighting fast. Your favorite game is taking your rollaround balls and pushing them around the house and following them. You even use them to get into the tiny spaces you aren’t supposed to be. And when we get after you, you act very innocent…. If you could I’m sure you’d actually be saying “oops…. lost my ball behind the computer and I have to go get it”, or “oops my ball is stuck by the shoes baskets – I’d better empty the shoes to find it”.
Caleb's favorite rollarounds Gonna getcha

You also love to bang on your learning drum.
I just wanna bang onmy drum all day!

Your other favorite place to crawl is under your high chair. You often go on a little hunt to find bits of toast or cookie that you have dropped. I think you actually drop food onthe floor to save it for later.
Hunting for a snack

You have also gotten really good at pulling yourself up to a standing position using furniture, objects ont he floor, other people… whatever you can get your hands on. You love to stand up. Our glass doors are smudged with tiny fingerprints, as is the tv screen!
How do I get outta here? WHere's my Olympics?

This month we have tried all kinds of new foods, and you love everything (except avacado!) You are now eating meats, whole wheat, and a few dairy products. Just like your mommy you love yogurt and cheese. And just like your daddy, you love bread. Every morning you expect your toast. You used to like little tiny pieces, and got very good at using your pincer grasp to pick them up. But now you expect to get a bit piece, and you love to munch on it with your two little teeth.
MMMMM toast! Cookie monster!

You still love the water. You really enjoy swimming, and bathtime. Although m,any times we have had to remind you that you can’t roll over and crawl int he water. And you really shouldn’t be drinking your bath water either!
Tubby smiles a well placed cup!

You also love to play at the playground. You love watching the bigger kids, and playing on the swings and slide. I know as soon as you learn how you will be running around the playground like all the big kids do.
Swing smiles Giddy up!
Peek a boo!

We took you to the petting zoo for the first time and you loved the goats. You also thought the squirrels and ducks were very funny to watch.
goats more goats

In fact, everything seems to make you laugh these days. You still love playing peekaboo. And you love to read books. And everyone thinks you are adorably cute when you giggle away as we sings songs in our Mother Goose class.

I love watching your expressions as you delight in all the fun things in life. And I love the way your face lights up when your daddy or enter the room. You smile instntly when we go in to get you up int he morning. And some days you are still smiling as I put you to bed. And I know it makes your daddy’s day when you crawl up and greet him at the door every afternoon when he gets home.
Daddy's boy! Raising the mommy eyebrow
waiting for dada

Thanks for warming our hearts up these last nine months little Squishy. You have now been part of our world out here as long as you were a part of our worlk inside of me. I can’t believe we have been so blessed to you with us for so long. We love you now more than ever.

Love and hugs,

XO xo

PS – We do need to do something about your hair though!
Bad Hair Day

Monthly Newsletter: Month Eight

Dear Caleb,

Happy 8 months little guy! (Although you really aren’t that little anymore… you are 17 pounds 9 ounces, and have grown almost 8 inches since you were born!)
8 month Eeyore pic Looking good Where's the baby?

This last month was rather a rough one for you. You got very sick and had an ear infection, a very high fever and a rash – which may have been roseola. You got very used ti seeing the doctor. You also had your very first trip to the ER. Daddy and I were very worried one night about your not sleeping and constant crying, so we took you to get checked out just in case. You hated all the tylenol we had to give you, but sure loved all the sponge baths we gave you in the sink.
Poor sick baby with the rash Sponge bath

Once your rash, fever and ear infection were gone, you ended up with thrush, and got your first prescription medicine. It tasted like banana, and I think by the end of the ten days (four times a day), you actually liked the stuff and would open your mouth really wide to take it.

Now that you are feeling better, you are completely on the go and crawling everywhere. No more commando crawling for you. Last weekend you figured out how to alternate your knees with your hands and that was it. You were crawling! The first time you did it really well was when your daddy came back from work. We were at your friend Keira’s house and daddy met us there (because mommy had locked the car keys in the trunk). Well as soon as you saw your daddy you bee-lined over to him. The next night you were chasing grandma and grandpa’s dog Rufus around the living room and kitchen. And now, I can’t go anywhere in the condo without having you trailing right behind me. And you are into everything!
Crawling in Crawling out

The last few days however, you have decided crawling isn’t good enough – and have been getting up on your knees. You love trying to get to the t.v. this way.
The t.v. is mine!

You are also standing. You love to stand and look over the sofa at the fish tank. When I try to put you down to play you lock your knees so that you can stand up instead of sit. Yesturday, after standing and staring out the patio door, you threw a little tantrum because I made you get down. I have a feeling you will be running soon.
Finding Nemo Still standing

You celebrated your first Chinese New Year this year – and got lots of lucky money, which you promptly tried to eat.
Yummy money

Everything seems to go in your mouth these days – paper, glittery Christmas balls, the remote, my slippers, random objects you find in your travels around the condo… And you love to eat. Now that you have two little teeth you can make a rice cookie disappear in the time it takes us to blink. You love your fruit sauces and veggies. And we have gone through many boxes of rice, barley and wheat cereals. You also like to try and feed yourself!
Yummy hands Feeding my nose!

You are definately a very determined little person, who loves to be included in everything, and loves to do what mommy and daddy do. Your favorite game is peek a boo – you can’t get enough of it. You also love to be flipped upside down. You are also starting to try to communicate with us. You can wave bye-bye (when you want to), and we are teaching you baby sign. You understand when I sign milk or eat.

You are so much fun these days. You keep us on your toes with all your shinanagans. You still don’t sleep very well at night, but we are making progress. And all those many times we must get up in the middle of the night are made up with all your smiles and laughs. I love the way your face lights up when either myself or daddy enters the room. And I love the way you will crawl full speed ahead across a room to hug me. Thanks for being such a wonderful little you!

Shampoo Mohawk Hee hee hee!

cuteness A boy & his bear


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