The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Squishy (Page 11 of 25)

The Long-Weekend Getaway

Happy Cananda Day!

Family hike

We spent it in beautiful Whistler, and we all had a blast! On Saturday we caught the 9:00am ferry to Vancouver. Caleb loved walking around and playing ont he playground on the ferry. (Adam was able to watch some of a world cup game…so both boys were happy!)

We did some shopping in Metrotown and then went to Stanley Park and took Caleb to the aquarium. He loved the fish (or ish, as he called them!)
watching the whales ISH...mama...ISH!!

Then we drove up to Whistler. Thankfully, Caleb napped for most of the drive. We stayed at the Hilton, and slept in a king size bed. I’m not sure what Caleb enjoyed more, the bed or the pool!
big bed

We went up to the top of Whistler, and hiked half way up the summit trail. Adam was a tropper with Caleb in a backpack carrier on his back. The views were amazing. And even though it was a hot day, we were surrounded by walls of snow.
The boys on the mountain

We went out for dinner both nights, and Caleb ordered off the menu too. Our second night we went out for Sushi, and Caleb had teriyaki chicken, veggies and rice. He watched how we were eating with chopsticks and promptly tired to pick up chicken with his chopstick. Half his dinner ended up onthe floor! But he hardly missed a drop of the ice cream we got for dessert. And the afternoon we left he ate almost half of a Splitz Grill hamburger! (Anyone who has been to Whistler knows how big those things are!)

All in all in was a fun trip, and we were glad to finally show Caleb one of our favorite places to visit.

More of our Whistler / Vancouver photos can be seen here.

Monthly Newsletter: Month Twelve

Dear Caleb,

You are now 12 months old… that’s one year old! Happy birthday Caleb!

This year went by inncredibly fast. It’s hard to believe you have grown so much and gained so many skills in this one short year. When you were born you weight 7 pounds and 7 ounces and you were 19.5 inches long. You are now 29.5 inches long and weigh 19 pounds. Eeyore has shrunk!
12 month eeyore 12 month eeyore

You are definately a toddler now. You love to walk around – with support and any day now I know you are going to let go of our hands and just run off to play with the big kids.
waterpark walking Family walk

Your little personality has fully come out, and you know what you like and what you don’t like. Food can sometimes be a battle now, as you have realized you have some favorites and that’s what you like to eat. Veggy botty, peaches, avacado, tomato sauce, banana and cheese are your favorites -and if you could you’d live off these foods alone!
Mmmm Veggie Booty! Baby versus avacado!

You are also a sensitve little soul and if someone gets into your space, or does something you don’t like, you tear up and sob. It can be very heartbreaking to watch.
Our sensitive little guy

However, this has also made you so much more cuddly. You love to give out big hugs. You wrap your little arms around our necks and bury your head on our shoulders… and it is the best hug in the world. Everyday I look forward to my cuddles with you. You also love to give kisses.
Daddy hugs Mommy kisses

And your other funny new skill… blowing raspberries. You love to blow raspberries on my arm or tummy or cheeck… and recently you started making blowfish faces on the glass deck! So now we have lip prints everywhere next to your fingerprints!

You still love be social with everyone, and being involved in everything we are doing. Your daddy has you trained to love Time Horton’s as much as he does, and you have develop[ed my love of pickles! We can tell you are going to be a very well rounded child!
Bagel and a double double pickle face!

You are becoming such a little boy! You also love playing at the playground. You love to ride on the baby swings, walk along the playground ramps and especially love wagon rides. You also love hanging out with your little friends. It’s been wonderful to watch you develop relationships with others and see how you interact with them.
Wagon ride with Caleb B.

It’s been such a wonderful twelve months. We adore you and all the things you can do. Thanks for making our lives so wonderful!
Caleb smiles!

I can’t wait to see what new adventures happen in your second year of life, as you follow in your daddy’s footsteps, and learn practical skills from daddy and creative arts from mommy… and develop more into your own little person.
Daddy's boy Our little artist

We love you so much!
Our family The Ells

I’m so sad to have to leave you and go back to work. But even though I may not be there to wipe away your tears and hug you every hour, please know that your mommy loves you more than anything, and our hours together are going to more special than ever!
I love you baba!

I love you Caleb!


Happy Birthday Caleb!

Happy Birthday to our beautiful baby boy!!
Make a wish!

You continue to amaze us everyday. Your big bright smile and shining eyes draw in the world, and your infectious giggle brightens our everyday. It has been the most incredible year and we are so grateful to have you as our darling son.

Welcome to toddlerhood! The journey here has been wonderful, even on those not so good days and nights… and we can’t wait to follow you into your second year of life and all the adventures yet to come.

We love you Squishy!

Mommy & Daddy

PS- Your big birthday party today has worn us all out, so the 12 month newsletter will be posted tommorrow…
but here is a sneak at the monthly eeyore shot…
12 month eeyore
12 months old

Look how much you have grown…
5 days old

Ten things I learned this last year…

1. It’s never to early to get your kids to help with chores

2. Eventually they will sleep in their cribs… and mommies will get four consecutive hours of sleep!

3. As hard as I work to get a good picture… sometimes a baby can be a lot faster.

4. Dirt and leaves taste good

5. Babies will pack up their own essentials: books, cookies, cheerios and a sippy cup when they want to go somewhere
Packing up to go

6. A long and leisurely shower consists of five minutes to wash and condition your hair, scrub your body and shave your legs, while your baby throws peek a blocks into the tub at you, and tries to eat the toilet brush.

7. Skin is washable…
cookie monster

8. So are windows… although I’ve grown to love the look of baby finger prints covering the glass doors and tv
watching for daddy

9. 10,000 toys and the best playthings are mommy’s keys and a box
keys-mmmm boxed in

10. No matter how little sleep I’ve had, how much baby cookie is stuck in my hair, or how long it’s been since I’ve been able to go to the bathroom without someone trying to climb up on my lap… my first year with Caleb has been the best year of my life!
Early days beach buddies

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year…

This was Caleb and I May 29, 2005…

37 weeks and 6 days pregnant

It’s been a wonderful and amazing year full of sleepless nights, beautiful smiles and so many first moments. I’m so glad I’ve had the year off of work to enjoy every moment with my baby boy. I’m so sad to be going back to work…

I will miss seeing this little face every few minutes…

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