Happy Cananda Day!
We spent it in beautiful Whistler, and we all had a blast! On Saturday we caught the 9:00am ferry to Vancouver. Caleb loved walking around and playing ont he playground on the ferry. (Adam was able to watch some of a world cup game…so both boys were happy!)
We did some shopping in Metrotown and then went to Stanley Park and took Caleb to the aquarium. He loved the fish (or ish, as he called them!)
Then we drove up to Whistler. Thankfully, Caleb napped for most of the drive. We stayed at the Hilton, and slept in a king size bed. I’m not sure what Caleb enjoyed more, the bed or the pool!
We went up to the top of Whistler, and hiked half way up the summit trail. Adam was a tropper with Caleb in a backpack carrier on his back. The views were amazing. And even though it was a hot day, we were surrounded by walls of snow.
We went out for dinner both nights, and Caleb ordered off the menu too. Our second night we went out for Sushi, and Caleb had teriyaki chicken, veggies and rice. He watched how we were eating with chopsticks and promptly tired to pick up chicken with his chopstick. Half his dinner ended up onthe floor! But he hardly missed a drop of the ice cream we got for dessert. And the afternoon we left he ate almost half of a Splitz Grill hamburger! (Anyone who has been to Whistler knows how big those things are!)
All in all in was a fun trip, and we were glad to finally show Caleb one of our favorite places to visit.
More of our Whistler / Vancouver photos can be seen here.