The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Caleb (Page 7 of 26)

Monthly Newsletter: Month 27

Dear Caleb,

You are now a quarter of the way into your terrible two year.  So far things aren’t that terrible – well not always.  You have recently developed this very cute way of singing along to songs.  Even if the words aren’t clear, you have a dinstinct tune.  Daddy and I love hearing your voice.  We especially love your renditions of “Twinkle Little Star”, “Head and Shoulders” and all those songs on the radio.  Those moments, and those sweet little kisses and hugs make up for any trouble you cook up!

I'm a supermodel!

The summer weather this year has been horrible.  We haven’t had much time at the beach or waterpark this year.  But we have spent lots of time outside.  The last few weeks we have been helping Daddy and Grandpa build the fence.  You love helping out.  You helped to hammer the fence, dig weeds out of the garden and shovel rocks back into the post holes of the fence.  You also do a wonderful job taking care of yur baby Thomas.  The neighbours love watching you and your friend Nolan walking your babies in your strollers.  It’s especially cute when you are wearing my shimmer lotion and wearing my shoes!

Our new fence - and the handymen that built it

yard work

Strolling with baby in mommy's shoes the favorite shoes

We have managed to have lots of playdates and crafty fun this month.  You explored with painting for the first time.  We have many original water colors by Caleb hanging in the garage as the layers of paint dry.  You also had some fun with my craft scissors and an unfortunate pair of overalls…


You seem to be having fun playing with all of your little friends – new and old.  You seem to thrive with other children.  I’m sure if was back to school time for you, you would go very willingly!

Keira, Olivia and Caleb - long time buddies

Gregory chair - after chasing him down with a baseball bat

So far, the potty training has stayed status quo – two pees on the potty is all you have been willing to give us in the past few weeks.  But the big boy bed is going better.  We still have to keep a chair or two beside the crib, and you still climb right on out at nap time… but at least you are sleeping the night in the bed and not beside it!

You are growing up very quickly before our eyes.  A few weeks ago you told Daddy “ov oo” in response to his “I love you”.  And you have learned to do the running jump up and hug with me.  We “ov oo” too Gooeys and can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store for all of us!

swingin' tongue! pool party!


P.S.- Aunty Amanda and Uncle Brett leave for France tommorrow.  When I explained that they were going away for a long time, you look at me and signed airplane.  When I told you yes they would be on an airplane like Aunty Melissa did in the winter, you seemed to understand.  You gave them extra big hugs like you wanted to be sure the whole four months of cuddles went with them!  We’ll miss you both – have a safe trip!

P.P.S.- Welcome back Aunty Megs.  Caleb missed you too – which is why he was willing to share the photo album with only you tonight.  (For anyone that doesn’t know, Megs went to mexico on her summer vacation to help biuld house for the less fortunate.  You can learn more about her trip here:  We are very proud of you Meg, and Caleb loved looking for you in all the photos that were posted.

Move over Tommy and Ralph…

Tommy Helfiger and Ralph Lauren had better move over – there is a new designer superstar.  I put Caleb in overalls this morning.  He didn’t like them.  While I was in the shower he got into my craft supplies.  I caught him trying to cut the straps of his overalls with my zigzag scissors!

What Goes Bump in the Night?

…Caleb falling out of his “big boy” bed. 

Since he has figured out how to climb out of his crib – we converted it into the daybed.  Unfortunately he spent the greater part of last night on the floor!  So tonight he is well tucked in with chairs as rails along the upper half of his bed!

Monthly Newsletter: Month 26

Dear Caleb,

You are now well into your terrible/terrific two’s.  We are thoroughly enjoying your personality – you higher level of understanding, your sense of humour, and your new found ability to imitate what you see (which isn’t always good!)  We are not enjoying your new “scream like a girl” routine.  Although your speech path Karen loves this.  She says any vocal play is good.  Remind me to call her during your next flop-on-the-floor-screaming-in-an-ear-piercing-pitch moment.


Your speech therapy is going well.  Recently you even had a session with your friend Eve included as a model.  You were trying to imitate everything Eve said.  The last few weeks you have become increasing more vocal.  You try to imitate and sing along.  Your current favorite songs are Head and Shoulders, Wheels on the Bus, and Row Your Boat.  You are also starting to get good at signing… I only had to show you once and you totally know how to sign “more cnady please”.  (Funny that I have worked on Mom, Dad and milk for almost 2 years and you still won’t sign those!)

You are also sprouting up – you are getting taller and taller.  Good thing it is summer because a lot of your pants are too short.  Unfortunately you aren’t gaing weight, and your head circumfrence has stayed the same for a while.  We are monitoring you and hopefully it’s just because you are an active boy.

You love to cook lately.  Your favorite gourmet meals – instant pudding and cookies.  You love to get into the bowl with your spoon!


Stealing dough

This month you had a very important job – you were the ring bearer in cousin Anika’s wedding.  You did so well.  You listened to instructions, kept your tie on, stayed with flowergirl Marissa, and charmed your way into the hearts of 160 guests.  Not to mention you were cute!

The cutest ring bearer and flowergirl The fam

The wedding of Anika and Lawrence

You have a very busy social life these days.  Including a first sleepover at your Grandma’s/Aunts’ and Uncle’s house.  You are constantly calling on your girlfriend Eve to play.  And you have been hanging out with lots of your peeps this summer!

Here you are with family…

with Uncle Guitar Hero with Aunty M

With Aunty AMANDA (whose name you'll say when she is in France!) Avec Uncle Bet

with Grandma Karen

…and friends…

Dancing to Umbrella with Eve

Party horns with Ella

with Ella's brother Owen

Working hard with Matthew

We love you cute stuff!

Wedding fun!


Caleb and Mommy

PS- to all our faithful readers, I hope you enjoyed how photo heavy this post was – I wanted to make up for the lack of photos (due to the card reader incident).  Bigger resolutions of many of these photos can be found in Caleb’s toddler album, for those of you that steal photos for use on your own blogs and desktops…not that I’m naming any names!

Unbearibly cute…

The cutest ring bearer

Caleb doing his duties as the Ring Bearer in a family wedding. He did a terrific job!

(And yay – we have found our old, and slow, card reader, so slowly we’ll be able to update some pictures again!)

Monthly Newsletter: Month 25

Dear Caleb,

You are now 25 months old, and we have all officially survived the first month of the terrible twos… and yes it is official the screaming, drop to the floor tantrums really are terrible! But oh well…such is life!

At a recent doctor’s check-up we found out that your head isn’t growing, but that your height has sure rocketed up. So you are where you should be for height, and your are a little lower for weight and head circumference. We are monitoring this, but it’s not a huge problem. You realize of course that this small head thing is from your dad – along with all of those other quirky traits!

You babble all the time now. And sometimes you come up with these fabulous words. We know one day there will come a time when you are talking in full sentences non-stop. Your understanding of language is incredible. You follow directions really well – when you want to. And you are becoming such a big help around the house. You love to help with laundry, dishes, gardening, and cooking. I guess we’ll have to start thinking of an allowance for you soon!

I love you, very much – even on the days you won’t stop screaming. And even on the days I have to give you a time out from the play area because you bit another child. Sigh. We’ll call that a trait from daddy too!



PS- When we can get the computer to work properly I’ll post some more pics.

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