The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Monthly letters (Page 7 of 7)

Monthly letter: Month 2

Dear Caleb,

You are 2 months old today…already! It seems like only yesturday we brought you home from the hospital, and now you are a very prominent person in our family. Your little personality is coming out. You definately know what you like and don’t like.

Your sucky is your favorite thing! It’s been a lifesaver for all of us. And you are currently trying to figure out how to put it back in your mouth yourself when it falls out.

You also love floor time. You enjoy playing with your toys. Your Ocean Wonders playmat, flower and cow are your favorite. I often catch you laughing and talking to them. You also love your tummy time. I think I’m in trouble – you already want to crawl away!

You also enjoy sitting in your bumbo chair. You love being able to look around while you sit up, and often turn to watch tv while you are in your chair. (oprah is like your tv mommy!) And you sit and play with your best buddy Kaari.

You also love talking and telling stories to everyone, in person and on the phone. Daddy and I have nicknamed you GOO because you yell that out so often. I love when you wake up GOOing and smiling at me. You still love watching your daddy and I, but have also discovered trees. While we were camping you loved to watch the wind blowing the branches overhead!

This has definately been a month of firsts. We went to our first movie together at Famous Babies – we saw The Island. We joined a BabyTalk group. And of course we went campinng. We’ve also done lots of stroller trips, and community events – Moss St. Paint-in, Luminera, walks in the park. You’ve enjoyed all of it and love being oiut with us. Also, another first – the first time you pooped on the carpet…after pooping on mommy… I’ll tell you all about that when you’re older!

You now weigh over 12 pounds and are over 22 inches long.

Thanks for all the smiles, coos, goos and hugs this month.

Mommy loves you lots – and daddy too.


Monthly Letter: One Month

Dear Caleb,

Today you are one month old. It seems like only yesturday daddy and I were bringing you home from the hospital; and yet, I can’t even remember what life was like without your little coos and sighs, and those loving looks you give us with your big brown eyes. Everyday I wake up, slightly grumpy at my lack of sleep, but oh so happy to see you, and cuddle you and cover your cheeks with kisses.

You no longer look like a newborn… you seem to have grown up quickly before our eyes. And actually you have grown quite a bit! At our midwife appointment on Wednesday, Luba weighed you and announced that you were now 10 pounds, 4 ounces! That is a huge gain from the 6 pounds and 14 ounces we left the hospital with. And after much squirming around, we managed to measure your length – 20.5 inches – that’s a whole inch you’ve grown in a month.

You definately have a little personality now. You have gotten much better with diaper and clothing changes, and only cry if you were woken up, or if we take too long to change you. And you enjoy your bath time, as long as the hair washing is finished. You still like it when mommy sings to you, but also have an interest in books. Your favorite story book is “Moo Baa Laa Laa Laa”. And of course you still like U2, and your daddy’s finger.

You are also getting more interested in different objects. Your vision is getting clearer, and you are able to focus and track people, and your favorite toys: your cow, your blocks and your Eeyore.

You are also lifting your head more, and enjoy long periods of tummy time. You also enjoy being in your swing and chair, and are much more content to be on your own, without having to be held as much. Of course your favorite place to sleep is still mommy and daddy’s arms… but we are enjoying our cuddle time with you as much as we can.

You have also started smiling!

Happy one month Caleb. We love you so very much. Please don’t grow up too quickly!


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