The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Monthly letters (Page 3 of 7)

Monthly (…yearly) Newsletter: Caleb, Month 60 (5 years)

Originally written on June 3, 2010…

Dear Caleb,

You are five!  FIVE!  I can’t believe my little squishy is now almost in Kindergarten.  You have grown up so fast before my eyes.  You are Mr. Independent, Mr. Bossy, Mr. Attitude, Mr. Big Brother, Mr. Caring!  And I love you for all of it.

Yes you are now a big brother, and you fill the role well.  You love kissing, hugging and talking to your brother.  I especially love hearing the conversations you have with him.  In the car you explain to him why I stop at red lights, and tell him the directions to preschool.  When you are playing you explain to him the proper way to build your Lego City.

Oh yes, the Lego.  Lego has taken over your life.  You love Lego – and you are good at building with it.  I admit I hate the fact that it is everywhere and stepping on it hurts.  But it is so wonderful to watch you play and use your imagination.  You set up scenarios and have lots of little scenes that you act out.  Of course you are still being spoiled by your grandparents and aunts and uncles, so you own every Lego set there is.

You are so independent now.  You can (mostly) dress yourself, get yourself snacks, do up and undo your seat belt, and ride a bike with training wheels.  Your speech is incredible.  Although you still have some grammatical errors, for the most part, people understand you.  When I think of how far you have come in your journey with Apraxia I want to cry.  You could be the poster child for CASLPA.  You are also so much more willing to challenge yourself physically.  The treatment blocks you spent in the PT gym have given you the confidence to try and try again.  This has been such a big change since last year.  You tackle the playgrounds now and you win!

This year you made so many good friends, especially at preschool.  It will be sad to say goodbye, especially to your teacher Susan, who has cared for you since you were two and a half and still in diapers.  You have become so social and such a great role model in your class.  They have set you up well for kindergarten.

I love your zest for life.  I love how much you want to be with your family and friends.  You are quirky and still a stickler for routine (which your dad and I sometimes hate).  You are still picky with foods, but are willing to try new things.  You are you… my darling first baby.  I hope you keep being yourself.  I love you.

Love you always,


Monthly Newsletter: Liam, Month One

Originally written May 21, 2010…

Dear Liam,

You are now one month old.  It’s so hard to believe that only a month ago we were anxiously awaiting you and trying everything to get you to come out of your cozy spot in my belly.  It feels as though you have always been with us, and yet it feels like the days have flown by.

It has been a challenging first month for you.  We realized that you were suffering from Gastrointestinal Reflux and it was causing you a lot of pain.  You were two weeks old when we started you on medication and it has made a world of difference.  You no longer scream in pain and your face is more relaxed.  I’m so sorry you had to suffer and that I couldn’t make you instantly better.  I have eliminated dairy and chocolate from my diet and that seems to help with your spitting up.

You have the most beautiful smile.  I admit I am jealous that Daddy was the recipient of your first real smiles, but now you give them to me freely.  You also like to smile at your big brother Caleb and all his antics.  You like to watch him and are content to lie on the floor next to him as he plays and tells about how all his toys work.  The two of you love having a dance party in his room.  I crank up the tunes and Caleb dances around and dances his stuffed animals for you, and you wave your arms and kick your feet.

Our new family of four is starting to get into a routine now, and we are so glad you have joined us.  Daddy, Caleb and I love you so very much (as evident by all the kisses you constantly get).  I’m tired, but so very happy.


Letter to Liam

(This was originally written after Liam was born… )

Dear Liam,

Welcome to the world little one.  It was quite the journey we had together, but well worth it.  All the kicks and bumps, all the body aches and pains, all the labour… every minute of it was worth it to see your beautiful face.  Daddy and I are so happy to have you in our lives.  I love watching how alert you are and how much you stare at us, recognizing our voices.  Your big brother Caleb is so excited to have you here.  He tells everyone about his new baby brother.  I was so surprised when the nurse weighed you and you were 9 pounds!  No wonder my belly was so big.  You certainly surprised us.  You also kept us waiting an extra 8 days!  I now think of it as the extra days when you wanted to keep me to yourself and enjoy some last cuddles.  I can’t wait to watch you grow and see your personality emerge.  Already I can tell you are a social and alert little one.  It won’t be long at all before you are running around with your brother.  I love you, my precious little baby boy.


Happy Birthday Caleb! Monthly…err…yearly newsletter – Month 48 / Year 4!!

Dear Caleb,

You are FOUR!  Wow…four!  Time has flown so fast.  You are now an active, talkative, inquisitive and persistent little boy.  Watching you grow up this last year has been an amazing journey.  Your mind works so quickly and you are constantly amazing your dad and I with all that you learn.  You observe everything and imitate so much… we have learned to be careful with our words and our actions.  You are a caring friend, and have enjoyed your time at preschool.  This year you have been willing to try more, trusted us to keep you safe, and allowed yourself to become more independent.  We are so proud of you.  Your sense of humor is growing and you have definately gained the great four year skill of “toilet humor”!  You have also gained that four year old attitude that makes me want to give you away sometimes… but for the most part you are a marvelous little boy.


Your speech is coming along.  Although you still have difficulty with articulation most people understand what you are trying to say, most of the time.  You have learned to correct your mistakes, or use gestures to communicate with others.  Your balance and coordination are constantly improving and you have recently learned to ride a tricycle using the pedals!  You are continuing your journey in speech therapy, occupational therapy and some physiotherapy.  Your team of therapists have helped you to come a long way, and now they will be supporting you in your “pre-K” year.  It amazes me that this will be your last year before you enter the school system.  You are definately up for the challenge.

Building at the beach

You have this amazing ability to make me laugh and cry in the same five minutes!  A few weeks ago you told me you were sad because you didn’t know how to read.  You also believe the Lady Gaga song “Let’s Dance” is about “wet pants” and that everytime you go to the bathroom, you are feeding the fishes in the ocean.  Every night when I say I love you, you always respond “I love you too too”.  This is often accompanied by a zerbert kiss, a bum wiggle hug or an attack of tickling hands!

cupcake face!

dino cupcake cake

You were once my little baby that I spent every minute holding, touching and kissing.  You loved to be held and cuddled, and needed me to protect you from the world.  Now you are my little boy and you come to me to be kissed and held.  As I watch you grow up, you move a little futher from me.  I have to let you make mistakes and learn about the difficulties of life.  But you will always be your mommy, and you will always be my baby boy, and no matter what I will always be here to help you up when you fall down.  I love you so very much.  Happy Birthday Squishy!

Love always,

Monthly Newsletter: Month 36

Dear Caleb,

You are now three years old…THREE!  Holy smokes!  (“Ohwee kokes” as you would say!)  You are just over three feet tall and weigh in at just over 28 pounds… you’ve gotten taller and skinnier!  Pants don’t fit you very well anymore – they are always too short in the length and too big in the waist.  You’ve survived your first half year of preschool, you’ve moved into a “big boy” bed and you will sometimes pee on the potty.  You are trying to dress and undress yourself, and can bathe all of yourself – although you still need some help.  You help with dusting, sweeping, watering the plants, setting the table and cooking.  You are truely an independent, and often stubborn little boy!  This has to be the most appropriate shirt in your wardrobe!

TROUBLE! Throwing rocks

You are challenging yourself and us everyday as you question the rules and try to figure out for yourself what’s right and wrong.  And you’ve definately found your voice – it’s often very loud.  We are so pleased with how much your speech has improved, especially the last few weeks.  It’s wonderful to hear about all the amazing thoughts that happen in your head.

3-year-old air chair

Fort Rodd Hill

It’s hard to image that three years ago you were this tiny totally dependent little being who would sleep forever on my chest and could fit in the palm of daddy’s hand.  We are truely blessed to have you. 

Mother's day 2008

I love you little squishy!

xo xo xo

Monthly Newsletter: Month 29

Dear Caleb,

It’s not easy being two and a half…


But you sure are doing a good job of it (in between all those tantrums, whining bouts and constant requests for “an-dee”- candy!)  You are becoming so independent.  You love to help with dusting and putting laundry away.  And when you want something from the kitchen, you try very hard to help yourself.  We love watching your imagination at work as you play with your toys, acting out your Cars movie, or giving all your Little People birthday parties. 

We also love watching how social you are, and how much fun you have with all your little friends.  Yesturday on a walk you ran across a field to pick a flower and then you ran over and gave it to your girlfriend Eve.  It just about melted all our hearts to watch you! 

In a few weeks you will be visiting your new preschool…PRESCHOOL!  How in the world do we have a preschooler already?  You are so ready for it.  You have even been practicing your numbers, letters and colors.  You love to tell me when things are “blue!” or when you have “two” of something.  And the other day you were labeling letters and colors at the playground and shapes in a book.  When did you get so smart?

You are now saying almost 200 words – and we understand a good chunk of them.  But sometimes it’s so hard to figure out what you are saying and what it is you are trying to tell us.  So it’s no wonder those tears of fustration fall.  But at a recent speech assessment, your comprehension falls exactly where it should for your age, and your expressive skills have made huge leaps and bounds.  Now it’s time to practice those consonent sounds!

And we love the way you kiss us good night and tell us “oov oo” – love you!  Daddy loves that you call his name all the time.  Now if we could just hear you say Mommy… that’s our Christmas wish.

We love you – smiles, tears, tantrums, giggles and all!


Mommy & Daddy

Monthly Newsletter: Month 27

Dear Caleb,

You are now a quarter of the way into your terrible two year.  So far things aren’t that terrible – well not always.  You have recently developed this very cute way of singing along to songs.  Even if the words aren’t clear, you have a dinstinct tune.  Daddy and I love hearing your voice.  We especially love your renditions of “Twinkle Little Star”, “Head and Shoulders” and all those songs on the radio.  Those moments, and those sweet little kisses and hugs make up for any trouble you cook up!

I'm a supermodel!

The summer weather this year has been horrible.  We haven’t had much time at the beach or waterpark this year.  But we have spent lots of time outside.  The last few weeks we have been helping Daddy and Grandpa build the fence.  You love helping out.  You helped to hammer the fence, dig weeds out of the garden and shovel rocks back into the post holes of the fence.  You also do a wonderful job taking care of yur baby Thomas.  The neighbours love watching you and your friend Nolan walking your babies in your strollers.  It’s especially cute when you are wearing my shimmer lotion and wearing my shoes!

Our new fence - and the handymen that built it

yard work

Strolling with baby in mommy's shoes the favorite shoes

We have managed to have lots of playdates and crafty fun this month.  You explored with painting for the first time.  We have many original water colors by Caleb hanging in the garage as the layers of paint dry.  You also had some fun with my craft scissors and an unfortunate pair of overalls…


You seem to be having fun playing with all of your little friends – new and old.  You seem to thrive with other children.  I’m sure if was back to school time for you, you would go very willingly!

Keira, Olivia and Caleb - long time buddies

Gregory chair - after chasing him down with a baseball bat

So far, the potty training has stayed status quo – two pees on the potty is all you have been willing to give us in the past few weeks.  But the big boy bed is going better.  We still have to keep a chair or two beside the crib, and you still climb right on out at nap time… but at least you are sleeping the night in the bed and not beside it!

You are growing up very quickly before our eyes.  A few weeks ago you told Daddy “ov oo” in response to his “I love you”.  And you have learned to do the running jump up and hug with me.  We “ov oo” too Gooeys and can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store for all of us!

swingin' tongue! pool party!


P.S.- Aunty Amanda and Uncle Brett leave for France tommorrow.  When I explained that they were going away for a long time, you look at me and signed airplane.  When I told you yes they would be on an airplane like Aunty Melissa did in the winter, you seemed to understand.  You gave them extra big hugs like you wanted to be sure the whole four months of cuddles went with them!  We’ll miss you both – have a safe trip!

P.P.S.- Welcome back Aunty Megs.  Caleb missed you too – which is why he was willing to share the photo album with only you tonight.  (For anyone that doesn’t know, Megs went to mexico on her summer vacation to help biuld house for the less fortunate.  You can learn more about her trip here:  We are very proud of you Meg, and Caleb loved looking for you in all the photos that were posted.

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