The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: Monthly letters (Page 2 of 7)

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, month 8

Dear Liam,

The last month has flown by in a whirlwind! It’s hard to believe the first 3/4 of your first year are done.  You are now 8 months old, 18.5 pounds, and definate about what you want and don’t want.

You have become very clingy with me whenever we leave the house, and at times you don’t even want to go to daddy.  People comment on how serious you always look.  But I know the truth, and I know how giggly you can be.  Your clinginess and stranger awareness has come at a bad time, however.  It is the holiday season, and as eager as your brother is to jump up on Santa’s lap, you are not. In fact you screamed in terror and I had to nurse you to calm you down from the Santa visit.

You have recently gotten your top two teeth and as a result you have started grinding your teeth.  It is a horrible sound and a bad habit that I hope you will stop SOON! You also have a bad habit of biting me when I nurse you.  I have yelled and given you nasty looks.  But I melt into your cuteness as soon as I look into those brown eyes of yours, and usually forgive you pretty fast. This has to stop NOW!!!

I am really looking forward to your first Christmas and all the magic and wonder that will fill your eyes and your heart.  You love to gaze at the tree and all the lights.  You have fit into our traditions nicely, and have made this holiday season feel extra special.

I love you little one. Even though my arms are tired, I love that you choose me to be the one you want, and that it’s my shoulder you snuggle against.  You are growing up so fast, I am afraid for the day, your head will no longer be snuggled next to my heart.


Monthly Newsletter: Liam, Month 7

Dear Liam Lamb,

You are 7 months old, 18 pounds and the busiest baby I have ever seen! 

You have had an incredible month of growth and discovery.  I would blink and you would check another milestone off the list.  You are sitting well, crawling – hands and knees and FAST, and you are pulling to stand and trying walk along the furniture.  You truely are superbaby!

You love to eat, and we are constantly giving you new foods to try.  You love to feed yourself, and will yell at me if there is nothng on your highchair try.  You love cucumbers, toast and melon.  There are some days I can’t spoon the fruit and veggies into your mouth fast enough!

You have found your voice and love to yell.  You say “mommmmm” when you are mad.  Sometimes it sounds like you are saying “hi” and “yah”.  You are definately a social baby.  You love being with your brother and you try to sneak into his room and into his things every chance you can get.

You got experience your first Halloween and your first snow… Halloween you tolerated, snow – not so much!

You are at a very fun age, and you are keeping me on my toes.  My only wish now, is that you learn to nap in your crib! And that time can move a little bit slower… you are growing up way too quick!

I love you little man!

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, Month 6

Dear Liam,

You are six months old ~ officially half a year!  Time has gone by so quickly… I swear you should only be six weeks old. 

You have one and a half teeth – and they are sharp!  You are now just over 17 pounds.  They say babies double their birth weight at 6 months, but I am so glad you have only doubled your weight from the day we came home from the hospital. You love to nurse, and you love to eat.  We started you on solid foods this month.  The first night I gave you rice cereal you cried for more.  You love pears and carrots.  If you could, you would feed yourself all the time!

You are definately using up all the calories you are taking in.  You have mastered the commando-crawl, using your arms and sometimes your feet to propel yourself forward.  You also get up on your hands and knees, but usually fustrate yourself by going backwards.  I have no doubt that you will be hands and knees crawling by the end of the month.  You are also an excellent sitter.  I can leave you sitting on the floor with toys and you hold your balance very well.  People are amazed that you have these skills at such a young age – your parents included!

Your biggest motivating factor, is your brother.  You love Caleb.  You are always trying to follow him, and love to grab his face and kiss him.  When he goes to kindergarten, you often look around the playroom searching for him.  And when he is home and he says hello to you, your little face lights up.  He’s definately your favorite person (aside from mommy, of course!)  I am so glad you boys have this great relationship.  I hope that you will always like each other.  I know you will love each other, but liking each other and being friends is important too.  I hope you will always make each other smile.

My other hope, is that you will one day learn to nap in your bed.  You still battle naps, and prefer to nap on the go, or in my arms.  You will scream forever in your crib at naptime – and that is not how I like to spend our time when Caleb is at school.  But, I can’t complain too much, as your nighttime sleep has greatly improved.  You still wake once or twice a night, but you have had nights where you sleep through from 11pm to 6am.  And often your wake-ups occur before I have gone to bed, or just as dad is getting up for work.  I love our bedtime routine, and I’m so happy you can put yourself to sleep at night.

You have learned to use your voice.  You have what I call the “angry voice” when you yell because you dropped a toy, your brother took something away, or you can’t reach what you want.  You also like to babble and talk to your toys.  You love playing with Caleb’s keyboard.  You also love to take things in and out of boxes!

We are so happy to have you in our lives.  You have us all wrapped around your chubby little fingers.  We love you, and love watching you grow-up.  Now, please slow down… I’m so afraid I am going to blink and the next six months will be gone!

I love you always,

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, Month 5

Dear Liam,

Happy 5 months old! Five months…five… that is a whole hand – like the hand you like to shove in your mouth.  Or the hand you use to grab fistfuls of my hair.  The hand that holds on tight to your lovey (a Winnie the Pooh taggie blanket), that you snuggle with at night as you fall asleep on your own in your crib.  That’s right, you now go to sleep by yourself in your crib – you have done this for almost a week now.  Yay! I am so proud of you.  Not so happy about the nap strike you are on though… (but let’s not archive that one for the memory book).

You are so much fun now.  You make all sorts of goofy faces, and everything makes you smile and laugh.  You love to laugh at your brother’s antics, kiss my face (it’s more like sucking on my chin), and play with your toys.  You also love books.

You are on the move.  You roll over very quickly and can roll half way across the playroom to get to your brother’s toys.  On your tummy you pivot around in circles.  You get up on your hand and knees and rock yourself, and then you start to inch backwards.  It won’t be long until you are crawling! 

You are growing so quickly. You are 16 pounds, 9 ounces and 25.5 inches long. You are starting to wear 6-12 month clothing already.  You’ve almost outgrown the swing, and it’s been replaced by the jumparoo and the highchair.  You love to sit and watch your brother and the big kids play.  You are almost sitting upright independently on the floor.  You love to pick things up and examine them.

I am sad that the first year of your life is almost over, but love watching your personality emerge everyday.  I love you and all our moments together.

Momma (or Ummm…as you say)

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, month 4

Dear Liam,

You are now four months old, and what some of the baby books refer to as the beginnings of an “older baby.”  You definately have grown. Last week you weighed in at 15 pounds 4 ounces and your length is 25 and a half inches!  You are outgrowing clothes like crazy! And this month you were big enough to try out the baby swing at the park. You love it, and now you get to “play” at the park like your big brother.

You are now on the move.  You can roll very easily from tummy to back and back to tummy.  One day last week I saw you do a continuous roll.  You pivot around on your tummy and wiggle yourself around.  You dig your toes into the carpet and can actually crawl backwards in small increments.  I think we will be putting the babygates up soon.  You are also learning to sit, and love to be in this position, even though it makes you spit-up alot!

You have a very definately personality now.  You know what you like and you demand to have it!  You have a cute protest cry, as well as a loud protest wail.  You also have a delightful giggle and you smile willingly all the time.  You love to talk and I have said that you are going to out-talk Caleb one day.  (And Caleb out-talks everyone!)

At the start of the month you discovered your hands and your thumb.  You suck and chew on them all the time.  Actually, you suck on anything you can pick up and put on your mouth.  This includes your shirts, and blankets.  I think you are going to be a blanket boy. 

Recently you have also discovered you toes.  And you still love to look at yourself in the mirror.

You have grown-up physically and cognitively so much this month.  It has been a huge milestone month and such fun to watch.


PS  I love that “The Little Green Frog” has become your favorite song and “Barnyard Dance” is your favorite book!

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, Month 3

Dear Liam,

It’s hard to believe you have now had an entire trimester on the outside.  You have grown so much!  Already you are over 14 pounds and almost 2 feet tall.  You also have the most adorable chubby thighs and a belly I love to kiss!

You are just starting to get your giggle and you sound like Caleb when you laugh out loud.  I can’t wait to watch the two of you play.  Caleb tries so hard to make you smile and laugh now.

You are really wanting to move now.  You roll from your tummy to your back and your back to your side.  If I offer a little support you can get from your side to your tummy.  You wiggle and pivot and can get yourself completely off your blanket or parallel positions from where you originally started.

You love to chat!  You are constantly making vocalizations, gooing, mmming and I swear when you are mad you yell: mommommomm!  You also love to suck in your bottom lip and imitate us chewing.

You are reaching and trying to grab at things. I have lost a lot of hair to your little fists.  When you get a hold of your toys they go straight into your mouth.  You drool as much as you spit-up now, and always have a recieving blanket with you.  Because of this, I think you are going to be a blanket boy.  You love to snuggle a blanket next to your face.

Sleep is still a challenge… but I know one day you will be too big for me to hold and snuggle, so for now I am dealing with it, and am glad that you tolerate my daily cup of coffee.  Regardless of my tiredness, I love you little Liam Bean!


Monthly Newsletter: Liam, Month 2

(Originally written June 21, 2010)

Dear Liam,

It’s hard to believe you have been with us for two months.  It feels like you have always been part of our family.  You are definitely working hard to keep up with your brother.  You now weigh about 13lbs and you are almost 23 inches long. 

This morning you rolled over from tummy to back three times – the last time I even got on video!  You love to play on the floor, and enjoy your tummy time.  You have amazing neck strength and can lift your head so very high!

This month you have also discovered your hands.  You love to suck on your fists and play with your fingers.  You are reaching for things and grabbing at toys.  You are such an active little guy. 

You smile at everyone now.  I love when you wake up with a smile on your face.  You are such a social little person!  One of the favourite games we play is dance party.  You and I join Caleb in his bedroom and we dance to music.  You love to watch your brother and you kick your legs and grin.  Bathtime also makes you smile.  You love your bath now, and cry when we take you out.  You also started having a few baths with your brother.  You both love this.

Thanks for making me smile so much little one!  I love you.

xo xo

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