The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: General (Page 9 of 10)

30 weeks!

We have reached 30 weeks of pregnancy! Yay! We are 3/4 done! Woohoo! Some days I feel like there is not much room left for Squishy, and I think Squishy has been feeling the same way. This baby has been squirming around a lot, and waking me up from all the baby aerobics that is happening in there. Last week, I snuggled up next to Adam in bed, and Squishy kicked so hard – Adam felt it and was woken up!

However, kicking has had some great advantages too. A few weeks ago while I was asleep, Adam asked Squishy if he should buy me a diamond tennis bracelet for my birthday. Squishy kicked once for yes – so now I own this beautiful bracelet:

My new diamond tennis bracelet

Thank you Squishy! And Squishy’s Dad!

I also went out and got a new hair cut, although my sister says it’s a “mom cut” and now I look like a mom!

Short Hair

Oh well… approximately 10 weeks left, and then I really will be a mom!

We Grew…

Apparently, my belly grew while I have been home sick! I finally returned to work today – and anyone who hadn’t noticed before – have now! Everyone commented on how much I grew!

Squishy must be growing alot too- because last night I got woken up to a party in my belly… this kid has not been born yet and already he or she is jumping on our bed! I just wish Squishy woulkdn’t do this at 3am!

I’m a Soccer Mom!

Well, my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball…how the heck that fits inside of me, I have no idea! But it would explain how my belly button jumps around on it’s own now. At 25 weeks of pregnancy, baby Squishy is definately making him or herself known to me and his or her daddy! All the time baby is moving and kicking and kneeing and elbowing and punching…

Lately Squishy’s favorite nighttime activity is to wait until I get comfy and then a little foot or something starts pushing on my side against the mattress so that I have to roll over. Already this kid is waking me up and keeping me up all night!

As for development – Squishy is around 1 1/2 pounds now, and head to rump length is about 8 1/2 inches. A total body length of around 13 1/2 inches! There is still not a lot of fat on Squishy, but definately hair. And Squishy has all of the baby newborn features. Squishy can cup his or her fingers, make a fit and hold his or her toes. Blood vessels have formed in the lungs to get the baby ready for breathing.

For more info on how the fetus develops, check out the videos on this site:
Discover Health Pregnancy Videos

The Great Stroller Debate

Well yesterday the Great Stroller Debate came to an end when we put down a deposit on a Mountian Buggy Urban Single. Yes folks we have a winner and it hails from New Zealand. How did we end up deciding? Let me be the first to tell you it wasn’t easy. There are so many brands and so many different systems each having their own pros and cons. We wanted to try and find a stroller that would do almost anything.

We began by looking at the Graco systems as many people do. They have several models and have a ton of features. Unfortunately, the Graco’s are big. Big stroller and small car equals awkward time for Ally. The idea of getting a Graco folded quicker than a shirt on laundry day.

Being a typical male who likes gadgets naturally it was only a matter of time until I discovered the Bugaboo Frog. Ahh yes the Frog. A real work of art it is. Unfortunately like any piece of art it has a big price tag… over $1,000 to be precise. Add some wallet goudging Bugaboo accessories and the price adds up quickly.

Next were the Zoopers. These things are like the Cadillac of strollers. They come with just about every feature, but like the American car they’re big lumbering beasts. The Zoopers weigh in at 30 plus pounds. Too heavy to be trying to lug in and out of the car.

Finally the Mountain Buggy. We liked the Mountain Buggy system for a few reasons. First off It’s light weighing in at only 21 lbs. Second it folds down really easy and fairly compact. Pop the wheels off using the quick release and the stroller becomes that much smaller. With big 12″ air filled tires Ally can take the baby out jogging. The front wheel swivels for added manuverability while out shopping and can be locked with a turn of a knob for jogging. The Mountain Buggy also sells a bar that will allow you to attatch your infant carrier or you can recline the seat and put the baby right in the stroller. If we want to there is also a bassinet available to turn the stroller into a pram. Surprisingly enough the Mountain Buggy bassinet is designed better than the Bugaboo’s as it sits flat where as the Bugaboos has a highpoint in the middle due to the way it attatches to the stroller frame.

So with any luck we’ll see the stroller in 4 – 6 weeks.

Mountain Buggy Urban Single

UGH part 2!

I’m still sick…. will the coughing and stuffiness ever end??

And why is there never anything good on daytime television?

On a cuter note… the baby has the hiccups!

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