The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Category: General (Page 1 of 10)

Four People in March


March highlights:

Adam’s 34th birthday
Liam started to stand up in the middle of the floor
Caleb had his first visit from the tooth fairy
Liam “rides” his tricycle for the first time
Caleb rides his bike around the cul-de-sac and learns to use his brakes
Sunny days and trips to the park
Stomach bugs … projectile puke… so gross
Liam got tooth 5 and tooth 6
Caleb moved out of the carseat and into the booster
Spring break… projectile puke…it sucked
Ally’s last month of maternity leave – boo!

Four People in February


It’s a goofy picture… but it’s us!  Caleb has been totally silly when it comes to taking photos, and either tries to hog the camera with goofy faces, or hide from the camera.  Liam just tries to steal the camera and usually goes in for an extreme close-up.

February brought forth Chinese New Year – and the year of the rabbit.  We took a walk around Chinatown, so that I could take photos for my photography class.  February also brought about Valentine’s day which Caleb loves.  He got lots of little notes and treats from school. But the best Valentine’s gift was when Liam started to say Mama.  This is one of his first words, and he planned it perfectly, saying it in earnest on February 13, so that he was able to say it on cue on the 14th.

February also brought snow, snow and more snow.  It was enough to close the school down (snow day!), and enough for sledding and snow forts.  We enjoyed the fluffy white stuff on and off for over a week. Liam was unsure, Caleb loved it, and Adam and I are jsut glad that we are no longer shoveling the driveway!



Monthly Newsletter: Liam, month 10

Dear Liam,

Happy 10 months! It’s hard to believe you are already so close to celebrating your first birthday.  You now weight 20.5 pounds, and your height… well that’s questionable, because you won’t stay still long enough for me to measure you.

You are constantly on the go… following your brother, climbing, opening cupboards, pulling items out of drawers, dumping things off your highchair tray.  You routinely sit on your knees so that you can take off quickly!

Your language has also taken off.  You shake your head no, wave (sometimes), blow kisses (on your own terms), say “uh-oh”, “upa” and “MAMA” and “MOM”!  I love that you can call my name! The day before your first Valentine’s day you started to say “mama”, and you looked at me and just kept repeating it, over and over.  I could see your little brain working as you realized I was mama and you could say my name and we understood you.  Thank you for giving me the BEST Valentine gift ever.

Your little personality is so much fun.  You love to explore and to play games, like peek a boo and chase.  You are constantly laughing and telling stories.  You have also developed a fondness for books.  Of course, you still love grabbing for things you shouldn’t have – like momma’s camera!

You are still a big eater and have tasted so many foods.  You are in love with grapes and blueberries.  You also have a fondness for french fries and cookies (oops!)

Thank you for also napping better.  You know accept the idea that it is okay to nap in your crib! YAY!  Your father and brother also thank you for this.

It has been a very big month for you.  I am so proud of all your accomplishments.  I love that you are so happy, that you nap in your crib (and sleep well at night), and I love, love, love that “mama” is one of your first real words.

I love you always,

xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo

Monthly Newsletter: Liam, Month 5

Dear Liam,

Happy 5 months old! Five months…five… that is a whole hand – like the hand you like to shove in your mouth.  Or the hand you use to grab fistfuls of my hair.  The hand that holds on tight to your lovey (a Winnie the Pooh taggie blanket), that you snuggle with at night as you fall asleep on your own in your crib.  That’s right, you now go to sleep by yourself in your crib – you have done this for almost a week now.  Yay! I am so proud of you.  Not so happy about the nap strike you are on though… (but let’s not archive that one for the memory book).

You are so much fun now.  You make all sorts of goofy faces, and everything makes you smile and laugh.  You love to laugh at your brother’s antics, kiss my face (it’s more like sucking on my chin), and play with your toys.  You also love books.

You are on the move.  You roll over very quickly and can roll half way across the playroom to get to your brother’s toys.  On your tummy you pivot around in circles.  You get up on your hand and knees and rock yourself, and then you start to inch backwards.  It won’t be long until you are crawling! 

You are growing so quickly. You are 16 pounds, 9 ounces and 25.5 inches long. You are starting to wear 6-12 month clothing already.  You’ve almost outgrown the swing, and it’s been replaced by the jumparoo and the highchair.  You love to sit and watch your brother and the big kids play.  You are almost sitting upright independently on the floor.  You love to pick things up and examine them.

I am sad that the first year of your life is almost over, but love watching your personality emerge everyday.  I love you and all our moments together.

Momma (or Ummm…as you say)

The End of a Journey

Today Caleb had his last speech therapy session with Karen, a Speech-Language Pathologist who has been in his life since he was 19 months old.  Now that he is 5 and on his way to kindergarten he has “graduated” out of the Early Intervention Program.  It feels like the end of a an incredible journey that has been both challenging and rewarding.

The start of this journey was bittersweet, and a hard life lesson in parenthood.  You never want your child to be less than perfect, and yet sometimes you have to follow your instincts that tell you something is wrong.  I remember thinking that Caleb was different than other toddlers.  He wasn’t picking up words like they were, or when he would aquire a word, he’d lose other ones.  I remember racking my brain to try and figure out when he stopped being able to call me mama.  When he had his 18 month immunizations I talked to the health nurse about my concerns, and already had an ASQ filled out that showed his communication skills to be at risk.  We were sent to audiology and put on the Community Speech waitlist.  We were also invited to participate in the Early Language Stimulation courses for parents.  It was during these courses that I met an old collegue who did me the favor of doing a quick assessment of Caleb duirng our course practice session.  She concurred with my instincts and suggested we call QA for both speech and motor planning difficulties.  She was the first one who said that there was a possibility he has Apraxia.  I left her office with Caleb, now knowing I had been right, that my parental instincts were right. By the time I got to the car I was crying and eventually I had to pull over to a side street to call Adam.  Even though I already knew, it was extremely hard to have someone confirm that something was wrong.

A few weeks later Karen showed up at our house, and I watched as each week she would try to coax sounds out of Caleb.  Some weeks he was silent, and it would take half an hour for him to make a controlled voluntary sound.  It was painful to watch those first sessions, and to see how hard he had to struggle to control his muscle movements to make verbal sounds.  It was also painful to realize how much more delayed he was than I had originally thought.

As the months went on, Caleb learned how to start controlling sounds, and improving his motor planning.  He learned some simple sign language to help facilitate his functional communication needs. I cried the first time he was able to look at me and say “Ov oo mama”.  Those are still the best three words I have ever heard anyone say.

Caleb was also seen by Occupational Therapy, as he was having trouble with motor planning – the ability to plan out how to move his body and execute the movement functionally.  This was causing difficulty with his sound production and also with his gross and fine motor skills.  Again, I had a hard time watching how hard some simple motor movements were for him.

Eventually Caleb was also seen by physiotherapy and psychology. At three he still was not able to jump and he had an extreme phobia of haircuts.  He had incredible cognitive abilities, but had also learned the fine art of distraction.  He would use his silly behvaiour to get himself out of therapy work and would charm his way into getting people to do things for him.  We learned that peer influence worked well for him, and he did great following the lead of his friends. At preschool he went from being an observer to a participant to a leader.

Just after his fourth birthday, we met with his Early Intervention team to discuss his final year with them, and another possible diagnosis.  His OT, Carolyn, and PT, Donna, did a joint assessment and we realized that Caleb’s motor planning difficlties were consistant with Developmental Coordination Disorder.  The team was so good at helping us through this process.  We knew that having a “label” for Caleb, while heartbreaking, was also neccessary for helping to access services and therapy plans.

Throughout all this, we have come to love and accept all his differences.  We realize that Caleb needs extra practice and extra encouragement to do things.  We know that he has to work twice as hard as his peers.  So many times he has melted with fustrations and so many times I have also fallen apart with him.  There are days when a lot of yelling and a lot of tears are shed.  But we also have days where he makes us laugh so hard we forget about everything else.  He spends his days singing, telling stories and teaching his little brother how to communicate.

We are so proud of how far he has come. He can run and jump, climb and ride a bike now. He can hold long conversations and most of what he says can be understood.  He can tell us how he feels, what he wants and what he remembers.  He is such a different boy than the one that first started with the Early Intervention Program.  We are so lucky that he received all the early assistance, and our family got so much support.

We also know Caleb still has lots of work left to do, lots of speech patterns left to learn and many more challenges left ahead of him.  Kindergarten is a whole new journey he is about to begin, with new supports and a whole new school who will get to learn his quirks, and will have to learn to understand his speech.  But I know he can do it.  We can do it.

I am so proud of you Caleb. Happy graduation… I hope one day you can look back on this and realize how much harder you worked to get where you are.  I know you are going to go far.

For more information on Apraxia visit:
For more information on Developmental Coordination Disorder visit:

Technical Difficulties

We have been experiencing some technical difficulties… but we are back.  No photos for this post, but I will leave you with a Calebism:

“Hey mom, can you buy more of that strawberry bikini gym?”  Only my kid would mix up kiwis and bikinis!

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