The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Author: Squishy's Mom (Page 7 of 32)

Conversations with Caleb

This was the message left on my work voice mail:
“Hi Mommy.  I miss you.  I play cars….lego cars.  I be good….Hey, mommy can’t hear me!”

This was a dinner conversation this week:
Caleb:  How your day?
Adam:  My day was good today, thanks Caleb.
Caleb: No…you (pointing at mom)…How YOU day?
Ally: My day was good too Caleb.  How was your day?
Caleb: I go library.  I pee-pee pants and stroller.

While chasing Caleb…

Caleb: Mom, you silly!
Ally: I’m silly?
Caleb: Yah mommy… you crazy!

Halloween “Scary” story

Caleb was not happy about Halloween this year.  To him, everything is scary… hair cuts, public washrooms, peas, and his race car driver costume – which he picked out.  At the annual Halloween party at Tracey and Brenden’s, Caleb refused to wear a costume – in fact he wouldn’t even take his coat off.  At our annual Halloween party (pictures to come), he was the only child not wearing a costume – and he was the host.  So after some screaming, scary movie style, and some bribing (hello giant lollypop), we managed to get him into his costume.  It was kind of like wrestling with an octapus, only with more shreking!  Anyways, once we were out the door and he had the concept of trick or treating, he was all for it.  He and his buddy Kaari were practically running from door to door, and we had to help them carry all the candy they ended up getting.  Oy!  The teenage years are going to be scary!

Our pumpkin, carved by Adam into Beea Beea, just for Caleb

The family

F1 Ferarri driver

Loonette and Molly

Oompa - what's in this stein?

Spiderman and Massa

Eve, Loonette and Massa

Oh, and incase you were wondering – we had around 250 trick or treaters – then we ran out of stuff and had to turn off the lights, and yes we all had a great time.  Thanks Aunty “Lissa” for helping with the door.  The annual Halloweeen parties were fun too!

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