The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Author: Squishy's Mom (Page 10 of 32)

Monthly Newsletter: Month 29

Dear Caleb,

It’s not easy being two and a half…


But you sure are doing a good job of it (in between all those tantrums, whining bouts and constant requests for “an-dee”- candy!)  You are becoming so independent.  You love to help with dusting and putting laundry away.  And when you want something from the kitchen, you try very hard to help yourself.  We love watching your imagination at work as you play with your toys, acting out your Cars movie, or giving all your Little People birthday parties. 

We also love watching how social you are, and how much fun you have with all your little friends.  Yesturday on a walk you ran across a field to pick a flower and then you ran over and gave it to your girlfriend Eve.  It just about melted all our hearts to watch you! 

In a few weeks you will be visiting your new preschool…PRESCHOOL!  How in the world do we have a preschooler already?  You are so ready for it.  You have even been practicing your numbers, letters and colors.  You love to tell me when things are “blue!” or when you have “two” of something.  And the other day you were labeling letters and colors at the playground and shapes in a book.  When did you get so smart?

You are now saying almost 200 words – and we understand a good chunk of them.  But sometimes it’s so hard to figure out what you are saying and what it is you are trying to tell us.  So it’s no wonder those tears of fustration fall.  But at a recent speech assessment, your comprehension falls exactly where it should for your age, and your expressive skills have made huge leaps and bounds.  Now it’s time to practice those consonent sounds!

And we love the way you kiss us good night and tell us “oov oo” – love you!  Daddy loves that you call his name all the time.  Now if we could just hear you say Mommy… that’s our Christmas wish.

We love you – smiles, tears, tantrums, giggles and all!


Mommy & Daddy

Caleb’s Halloween Party

Pictures from a very fun night with a house full of toddlers! (click on the picture to see a larger image…more Halloween fun and pictures to come in the next few days…)

The little monkey and his mommy:
Mommy and monkey

Trying to get the monkey head on:
Monkey head



The Patels:
The Patels








Thanks everyone for coming to our first Halloween party!  It was lots of fun!  See you again next year! Happy Halloween!

Caleb Monkey
Pumpkin patch

Something’s Gotta Give…

This blog has mostly been about my journey through pregnancy and motherhood – mostly the joys (and not so joyous) events that occur surrounding Caleb.  This is my first brutally honest post about what is happening for me right now.

Many of you know I am a working mom.  During my non-Caleb hours I work as an Infant Development Consultant from 9am-4:45pm.  Surrounding these hours I drop Caleb off and pick him up, and 3 or four times a week I also drop off and pick up Adam.  It makes for a long day.  I am also enrolled in two University courses right now.  When I finish these I will have completed my diploma in Special Education from UBC.  It is a lot of work and a lot of money.  I have also set out a personal goal to get back into shape and take care of myself again.  This means I’m running three times a week (or at least trying to), as well as other forms of exercise and eating right – which entitles lots of meal prep.  One top of that I try to get the house cleaned up – that I’m not doing to welll in.  Lately I have been feeling like I’m about to crack.  With everything going on, it leaves little down time. 

The pressure is also on us to have another child.  Everyone’s favorite question is about when Caleb will be a big brother.  I want this more than anything.  So badly I want to be able to give Caleb a playmate, someone he can share with, learn from and teach.  Someone I can love as much as I love my little boy.  Watching half the people I know get pregnant right now, is tough on me.  Emotionally we are ready.  We know now that Caleb is ready.  Financially we aren’t even close.  This is something we discuss and debate and fight about, alot.  In order for us to have another child and still enjoy our lifestyle we need to save money for when I am on maternity leave.  This was much easier in our condo.

I have been toying for years with starting my own photography business, and announcement business… those of you who have gotten a Caleb birthday invite, Christmas card, Valentine card or Easter card should know what I am talking about.  I know starting this business would be hard, and time consuming, but would also allow us some of the finacial freedom for me to take a year off on materity.  But with everything else that is happening in my life, I realize this just isn’t a possibility at this time.

So for now, something’s gotta give… and that something is my dream of having a big family.  Right now we can’t do it.

This house has cost us a lot.  Not only the amount of mortgage we have to pay, but the extra gas, the extra bills, the extra everything.  We just can afford it.

So for now Caleb is going to remain an only child, and I have to slowly shove things off my full plate.

This also means that the blog will be neglected for a while.  I don’t have the time to put the effort I want into this website.

Thank you to everyone who has read and commented.  I’d really love to hear some comments and feedback on this post.  (I know we aren’t AmandaandBrett popular… but it would still be nice to see comments that people do care).

And can I please request that people stop asking me about another baby for now.  It is a raw and emotional hurt that I am having trouble dealing with.

Maybe one day….

But today something is gotta give…


PS – If you want to see some of my photography you can go to: or


Little Big Boy (random stories)

Today Caleb went and got his hair cut – he sat for 10 minutes without fussing… anyone who has ever had a two year old knows this is an incredible feat!  He’s growing up so fast!  And lately when we tell him we love him he says ” I ov oo” right back to us.  It’s enough to make my heart melt.

Last week he played by himself, without getting into trouble, while I cleaned the house and Adam was working on the fence.  When he asked for “cand-ee peez” I let him have one of his packages of fruit snacks.  After he finished he tried to get more out of me, but I told him no, not until after lunch.  After a few whines he disappears to the backyard to play.  A minute later he is dragging Adam into the house to the cupboard so that he can ask daddy for “cand-ee peez”… Smart kid, huh!  (Except of course he did it in front of my face insted of behind my back!)

Monthly Newsletter: Month 27

Dear Caleb,

You are now a quarter of the way into your terrible two year.  So far things aren’t that terrible – well not always.  You have recently developed this very cute way of singing along to songs.  Even if the words aren’t clear, you have a dinstinct tune.  Daddy and I love hearing your voice.  We especially love your renditions of “Twinkle Little Star”, “Head and Shoulders” and all those songs on the radio.  Those moments, and those sweet little kisses and hugs make up for any trouble you cook up!

I'm a supermodel!

The summer weather this year has been horrible.  We haven’t had much time at the beach or waterpark this year.  But we have spent lots of time outside.  The last few weeks we have been helping Daddy and Grandpa build the fence.  You love helping out.  You helped to hammer the fence, dig weeds out of the garden and shovel rocks back into the post holes of the fence.  You also do a wonderful job taking care of yur baby Thomas.  The neighbours love watching you and your friend Nolan walking your babies in your strollers.  It’s especially cute when you are wearing my shimmer lotion and wearing my shoes!

Our new fence - and the handymen that built it

yard work

Strolling with baby in mommy's shoes the favorite shoes

We have managed to have lots of playdates and crafty fun this month.  You explored with painting for the first time.  We have many original water colors by Caleb hanging in the garage as the layers of paint dry.  You also had some fun with my craft scissors and an unfortunate pair of overalls…


You seem to be having fun playing with all of your little friends – new and old.  You seem to thrive with other children.  I’m sure if was back to school time for you, you would go very willingly!

Keira, Olivia and Caleb - long time buddies

Gregory chair - after chasing him down with a baseball bat

So far, the potty training has stayed status quo – two pees on the potty is all you have been willing to give us in the past few weeks.  But the big boy bed is going better.  We still have to keep a chair or two beside the crib, and you still climb right on out at nap time… but at least you are sleeping the night in the bed and not beside it!

You are growing up very quickly before our eyes.  A few weeks ago you told Daddy “ov oo” in response to his “I love you”.  And you have learned to do the running jump up and hug with me.  We “ov oo” too Gooeys and can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store for all of us!

swingin' tongue! pool party!


P.S.- Aunty Amanda and Uncle Brett leave for France tommorrow.  When I explained that they were going away for a long time, you look at me and signed airplane.  When I told you yes they would be on an airplane like Aunty Melissa did in the winter, you seemed to understand.  You gave them extra big hugs like you wanted to be sure the whole four months of cuddles went with them!  We’ll miss you both – have a safe trip!

P.P.S.- Welcome back Aunty Megs.  Caleb missed you too – which is why he was willing to share the photo album with only you tonight.  (For anyone that doesn’t know, Megs went to mexico on her summer vacation to help biuld house for the less fortunate.  You can learn more about her trip here:  We are very proud of you Meg, and Caleb loved looking for you in all the photos that were posted.

Move over Tommy and Ralph…

Tommy Helfiger and Ralph Lauren had better move over – there is a new designer superstar.  I put Caleb in overalls this morning.  He didn’t like them.  While I was in the shower he got into my craft supplies.  I caught him trying to cut the straps of his overalls with my zigzag scissors!

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