The adventures of Squishy and Bean

Author: Squishy's Dad (Page 1 of 2)


So we’re at Caleb’s speech therapy session today and he’s working on Play-doh.  Suddenly, Caleb proudly announces that he has made a ‘T’ and shows us his latest creation.  Then he breaks into the tune of Y.M.C.A substituting ‘C’ for ‘T’.

Ally, Karen and I look at each other and burst out in laughter.  Caleb, meanwhile keeps on singing.

Caleb goes to the Olympics

On Monday, Ally, Caleb, Megan and Grandma Doc came to visit me in Vancouver where I’ve been staying during my volunteer shifts. We all met at Waterfront station and then made our way over to the Olympic flame.

Next Grandma Doc wanted to go to Birks. While we were there, they brought out an Olympic torch.

Next stop was the Hudson’s Bay Company where it was insanely busy. Following a lunch at White Spot, we headed to Robson Square, where Caleb tried his hand at hockey.

Then, as quickly as they came, it was time for them to head back. It was a nice surprise to have them visit.

Halloween Sad Storey

Well today we took the pumpkins down to Thrifty’s to throw them in the compost bin.  Caleb didn’t quite get the concept because as I heaved the Mario pumpkin into the dumpster a look of shock and distress fell upon his face.  I disposed of the other two pumpkins and when I turned around he was standing there covering his face looking like he had just lost his best friend.

After some consoling from Mom (and a sticker from the compost lady), Caleb shuffled back to the car.

Poor kid…

Monthly Newsletter: Month 28

Dear Caleb,

 This isn’t going to be the usual newsletter format per se, so bear with me here.  This past month you’ve started becoming more and more vocal.  Mom and I love to hear your little voice.  Your very good at asking for “andy peese” and the accompanying signs that go along with it.  Your vowel sounds are getting alot better too.  Unfortunately you’ve also found another part of your voice… the one a bit higher up in octave (ok alot higher).  Instead of your “no’s” with the accompanying head shake we now have ear piercing shreiks.  We know that this is just a phase but we hope its a short one.

 Well with alot of help from Grandpa the fence is done.  You were always really keen to help Grandpa and I during its construction… even if you were only running off with our hammers.  At least now you can play in the backyard and we don’t have to worry about you falling off the rock wall into the neighbours yard.  We also don’t have to worry about the neighbour kids falling into our yard (or jumping down, throwing their toys at you, etc, etc).

Sorry about the lack of pictures this month.  I found myself holding a hammer and tape more than the camera.


Love Dad

Ladies and Gentleman… Squishy has arrived

On Friday June 3rd at 3:37pm Caleb Marcus Ell was born in Victoria, BC.

Mom was wonderful throughout the entire time. She did the best that she could, but in the end the natural birth that we had hoped for just wasn’t possible. Caleb had to be born via a cesarean. Upon his entrance to the world he weighed 7lb 7oz and measured 19.5” from head to toe.

Both Mom and Babe are doing excellent and should be home in a few days.

*EDIT* I’ve added more pictures to the gallery

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