Welcome to the first of our “Four People” monthly updates.  One of my goals for 2011 is to provided better memories of our family together.  So each month we will be aiming for a decent family photo, with a recap of the month to go along with it. (I am also trying to do weekly photos with some journaling to go along with it… but my project 52 is another post entirely!)


January was a nice reprieve after the busy holidays and events of December. Although the holidays and extra family time was fun, it was good to get back into routine, with Adam at work, Caleb at school and daily events returning to order.  This month was full of birthday celebrations, pajama weekends and family movie nights. Caleb enjoyed seeing all his friends again and his social calendar has been full. Caleb had a special date with mom to see his favorite Treehouse characters, Toopy and Binoo.  Liam has been getting his groove on, and enjoys dancing to music, and playing with his peers at Momma Goose.  He loves getting into Caleb’s room and causing all kinds of trouble!  We all enjoyed some cold sunny days, and I was able to get more practice with the camera, doing some assignments for my photography class.  It was a good month, full of family, friends and some fabulous salty sweet cookies!
